Sorry ladies, too funny not to post.

lil charlie

An abused woman goes to the doctor and the doctor asks her how she got all banged up and she replies:

Woman: My husband comes home drunk and beats me to a pulp almost every night

Doctor: I have a really good remedy for that. Next time he comes home drunk get a glass of water and swish it in your mouth, don’t swallow, just keep swishing and swishing until he falls asleep in his drunken stupor.

The woman comes back two weeks later looking a fresh as can be. No bruises or wounds of any kind and tells the doctor.

Woman: Doctor, that’s the best advice I’ve ever gotten. He just looks at me and leaves me alone.

Doctor: See what keeping your big mouth shut can do for you.

Its just a joke so don't kill me over it!
Yeah. Im waiting for B.O.B to put me in time out.

When I showed it to my wife she punched me in my arm and said it wouldn't have happened if I would have just shut the he'll up. ... I love her.

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