All of these were made with either a Canon EOS 1D or EOS 10D. I don't have either camera now. Sold the 1D because it was extreme overkill for my uses, put the money down on the busa. Sold the 10D because the photos from it required to much post processing to get what you see here.Bullet, What equipment do you use?
Ain't she, though? That little girl turned up on the front porch of my home just after I finished building it and moved in. I opened the front door one morning and she was layin' on the door mat. She was nothin' but skin and bones, extremely emaciated. Could see her hip bones pokin' up and could count her ribs through her fur. Looked like she could barely move. She was pitiful. She ran off that day but the next day she was there on the mat again. That day she stuck around long enough for me to get some meat outta the fridge to give 'er. After that it was friends for life. She is super schweet.ALL of these pics are great!
Train, your female is beautiful!