Single topic debate #2

Man this is gonna be a long debate . I thought evolution was the new Hardly ridin motor

Your timing is getting better

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prove to me there is no God, and we'll talk.

while your at it, get science to explain love and we'll talk even more
hmmm just saw this thread...

All I can say is belief in God is based on faith. it usually is a result of something happening on a personal level with an individual in such a way that the person is touched in such a way as they know without a doubt there is a God.

God is not something that can be proven by science, nor can God be proven in a debate. God can only be known when the heart is ready to receive.

Until then all references about God are bitter to the taste and the body convulses at the mere thought.

So if you are ready to know God.. pray about and ask God to show himself to you.. and he will..

If you are not ready to know God. Then go about your business on this world and do your thing until you are ready….
i know this is a touchy subject, it can lead to some very bitter talk, i will say this and be done, wwjd and thrasherfox post are on the mark. now for me i have been blessed by GOD many times and i know it and confess it. i have walked away from wrecks,and bad things because GOD was watching out for me. i am not perfect nor claim to be, here where i live there are a few people who have seen things that would make your hair curl. again i have been blessed and have not seen these things. i have been told of what they have seen and i have no want to see them myself. there is a GOD and there is satan. search and you will find darwin said on that he wished he had never had come up with the theory of eveloution. in the end he placed his bet on GOD. i do not mean to offend no one in any manner, we all have our beliefs, and you have that right,so with a parting ado GOD bless.
Survived wrecking my Busa at around 100mph - I thanked God. Survived jumping off a train moving at 30mph - I thanked God. Evolution didn't save my life, God did. I also believe in evolution or should it be called adaptation?!?! Animals and humans evolve/adapt to their surrounding conditions. That's the extent of my belief on evolution.

Somebody said this on here before(I think Rev): At some point, someone is going to be wrong. If the religious people are wrong, no big deal. If the religious people are right, then I feel bad for the evolutionist
i know this is a touchy subject, it can lead to some very bitter talk, i will say this and be done, wwjd and thrasherfox post are on the mark. now for me i have been blessed by GOD many times and i know it and confess it. i have walked away from wrecks,and bad things because GOD was watching out for me. i am not perfect nor claim to be, here where i live there are a few people who have seen things that would make your hair curl. again i have been blessed and have not seen these things. i have been told of what they have seen and i have no want to see them myself. there is a GOD and there is satan. search and you will find darwin said on that he wished he had never had come up with the theory of eveloution. in the end he placed his bet on GOD. i do not mean to offend no one in any manner, we all have our beliefs, and you have that right,so with a parting ado GOD bless.
Your location explains everything. God runs some very profitable business there, oh, wait a minute, that's right Tammy Fae manages it for him and has one of the nicest company cars and houses you'd ever seen.
one thing to do in a mature discussion is to avoid classifying the opposing party as "Quacks" or "freaks" as has been done in this thread and other threads of this nature. I do not think you will find us of the religous nature doing the same thing... calling the worldly, materistic, satanists, and atheists Quacks or Freaks... that is sort of against our own religion. I have nothing to discuss here, if I am to simply be labeled a "Quack" for my beliefs.

"We know you are wrong but we all want to read your nonsense so that we can add you to our list of religious quacks."
No, I'm dead serious. You are a quack aren't you?

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I don't know.... I'll ask my preacher if I am, since I can't think for myself, and have to get back to you on that

Hummmm…you have to believe in evolution. It happens all around us, everything living - evolves. And, science is an object of study and general truth by definition “I can’t argue thatâ€

But, we evolved from what – the big bang, some comet dust, a single organism in a stagnant lake? I for one don’t think so. I believe in a higher power without the need for a study. It’s call faith or belief in my book. I’m certainly no religious freak but from my limited understanding most atheists believe in the evolution theory because someone said it was that way; I choose to believe in god probably because someone said it was that way too.

I am a very systematic or scientific oriented, I question everything and like to know the how and whys, but I choose to believe in the supreme deity.

Someone from the dark side has to be able to answer the one question I have, evolved from what…what’s the latest theories? Or should I google Stephen Hawkins and see what he saying these days?
Some ?'s for you Evo types...
How it is that nearly all animal phyla suddenly appeared in the Cambrian without any trace of evolutionary ancestors; why not one example of a mutation that developed the genetic information of living things has ever been encountered; or why no trace has been found of the billions of intermediate form fossils that Darwin anticipated? Why the pro evolution side can't decide amongst themselves the very Definition of Evolution without splitting hairs. Micro, Macro,
Better yet please explain to my unscientific God fearing mind How primitive nucleic acids, amino acids and other building blocks of life emerged in the primitive atmosphere on earth?Don't forget the once popular belief of primordial atmosphere experiments by Stanley Miller and his successors has long been debunked... But, alas that is science! So I guess if you ask me the only thing thats EVOLVING is man's speculation as to how God did what he did....

Food for thought God's word said that he is the alpha, the omega, the beggining and the end and that in the beggining he created all things. But, most important his word tells us that he created Man/Women in his own image (Genesis, 1:27). Notice I didn't say evolved into.... The other animals and plants could have done just what science thinks but not man!
Thats just my take on things and I respect everyone who has an opinion to the contrary! We hopefully still have a lot of years left on this big green ball so with any luck before its our time I pray God will be revealed to you when your ready to open your minds to the possibility of things beyond mans understanding....
I changed my mind I don't want to get into this one

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Food for thought God's word said that he is the alpha, the omega, the beggining and the end and that in the beggining he created all things. But, most important his word tells us that he created Man/Women in his own image (Genesis, 1:27). Notice I didn't say evolved into.... The other animals and plants could have done just what science thinks but not man!
It's as simple as this... If we have not discovered and documented all of the wildlife on the surface of the planet such as the Rainforest and much less that which dwells in the ocean, then how could you make such a presumption of man's ability AT THIS TIME to explain the true origin of life?
We haven't dug up and turned every square meter of the earth's surface. Therefore, much time will be required in order to find that link...
Do you read NATGEO? Recent dicoveries in the South Pacific (south china sea) have resulted in the finding of another race of Hominids that is a step in the right direction.
Sonar surveys in the black sea have yielded the discovery of community mound-villages that are indicative of life having been flooded under the Black sea and hydraulically compressed over a few millenia to profound depths.
So, we are around the corner to explaining away your doubts of evolution..
Your quote says nothing more than, (due to various translation techniques) a man, a father created man in his own image. Old hebrew and arameic is not something that may be translated exactly...
Haven't you noticed that people start this process in bed each and every night around the world.
It's as simple as this... If we have not discovered and documented all of the wildlife on the surface of the planet such as the Rainforest and much less that which dwells in the ocean, then how could you make such a presumption of man's ability AT THIS TIME to explain the true origin of life?
We haven't dug up and turned every square meter of the earth's surface. Therefore, much time will be required in order to find that link...
    This is my point exactly! Why then does the scientific community do the samething? Man's explanation for things will ultimately evolve until you reach the true explanation.. Which coincidently I believe to be the word of God.
Do you read NATGEO?[/QUOTE]     No, do you read the Bible? Recent dicoveries in the South Pacific (south china sea) have resulted in the finding of another race of Hominids that is a step in the right direction.
Sonar surveys in the black sea have yielded the discovery of community mound-villages that are indicative of life having been flooded under the Black sea and hydraulically compressed over a few millenia to profound depths.
So, we are around the corner to explaining away your doubts of evolution..[/QUOTE]     No, you are closer to discovering some unknown fact that will disprove what man believes about How "Man" Evolved today...
Your quote says nothing more than, (due to various translation techniques) a man, a father created man in his own image. Old hebrew and arameic is not something that may be translated exactly... [/QUOTE]     Not sure where your going with this, as Scientifically it can't be argued!

Can't help but notice none of the questions originally posed weren't answered... Seems to be a common theme amongst the Evolutionary folks. Remember I'm merely presenting a second side to the debate and evolution would only further my cause if proved fact. In that "Everything" came from the same place... For me thats God, my one creator.  
For the record there is no way for either of the two views to prove or disprove their beliefs beyond a shawdow of a doubt for all.... Sometimes I just like to hear what the otherside is thinking! Interesting view Projekt and I commend you for taking the time to express it. This much is Fact: We can both agree to disagree thats whats great about any debate...