I think you fellow experienced riders will agree that the necessity of a graduated licensing program, similar to UK or European standards, for motorcycle riders should be ratified on a Federal level in order to deccelerate the incidence of fatalities of new riders. It is not something that should be aimed only at the novice teenager aspiring for a literbike. It should be a broad scope requirement for all aspiring riders, particularly the retired set in the market for a classic machine such as a Harley Davidson or metric cruiser, to adhere to prior to receiving an endorsement. All Motorcycle operators would need to demonstrate their ability to handle their various motorcycles to include laying the bike on it's side using a protective mat and picking up. Or some sort of leg strength test to measure the operator's ability to hold the bike at a 45-55 degree angle at full stop. Riders regardless of experience over the age of 62 would need yearly requalification exams both written and on closed course conditions. Obviously, riders that could demonstrate advanced riding techniques due to EXTENSIVE previous MC or MX experience, would be placed on a fasttrack program to unlimited riding liberities.
Enjoy your 50cc bike for three months and X# miles and come back for the test and the 125cc, then onto the 250cc for 90 days and X# of miles then you can buy what you want and show us you can pick it up if you drop it, or show us your leg will not slide out when I push you with a predetermined springload.
Under my proposal, it would be a good business to go into motorcycle leasing and training programs. I will rent you the bike and will accompany you for training. You will know how to drag a knee because of all of your practice on my closed course figure eight.
Enjoy your 50cc bike for three months and X# miles and come back for the test and the 125cc, then onto the 250cc for 90 days and X# of miles then you can buy what you want and show us you can pick it up if you drop it, or show us your leg will not slide out when I push you with a predetermined springload.
Under my proposal, it would be a good business to go into motorcycle leasing and training programs. I will rent you the bike and will accompany you for training. You will know how to drag a knee because of all of your practice on my closed course figure eight.