Shop manuals


Looking for manuals for a 2001 Busa...  New or used as long as it is all there and legible to read...  

Is their anything viewable online where I can get info...  My recent buy on this bike got me nothing as far as owners info goes... not even an owners manual...

Might as well find an owner's book while I am searching.

Thanks I A...
in mat and do it yourself section. i got my hard copy off e-bay 21$
got the cd off e-bay for 8 bucks, it's easy to read and has stuff i didn't think i'd find in a technical manual, ie, how to do a stoppie, 150 mph wheelie, this stuff is wicked.

"There again are two types. The Rolling Stoppie and The Stop Stoppie. Again Performance Bikes covered this topic very well in an article entitled "Know Lots About Stoppies".

The Stop Stoppie
A stop stoppie is generally easier to do than a rolling stoppie.

Anatomy of a stop stoppie.

Hard Braking In the inital stage of the stoppie, note how the rider is sitting as close to the front of the seat as possible. The bike is under near maximum braking, and is still traveling forward at around 20km/h. Note also that the clutch is in!
The Lunge Since the bike doing the demonstration isn't exactly over-braked, the rider now throws his weight forward as the bike comes to a complete stop. The timing of this lunge is crucial, although mainly from a gonad-preserving view point

Hair Raising And this is the result of getting the timimg pretty much spot on. Make no mistake though, this is one high stoppie. In fact I thought he was going to go over the bars. Never-the-less it was observed by multiple people, and has become somewhat legendary. "

good info maybe, but not in the hard copy, likely
