Rubba how ban somebody?


I dont expect 2 have 2 but what method is best??can you put a exoeration date on a ban like on my new board?

Ban Members
Below is your banned members list. You can ban people from your forum based on their username, IP address, or email address. At the bottom of this page you will find 5 empty fields for adding new bans to your list.

Remove Ban? Type of Ban Username / Email / IP Address

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that wouldn't make any sense really. You see,if you ban somebody,they wont be able to log back in to see that they have been banned. You just notify them and bye bye they go.You could have a standing thread at the top of a forum to tell people which users have been banned,but that most likely wouldn't sit well with all the folks on yer site.

Banning by IP addy works great. They banned person could still log on but not from the comfyness of their regular posting spot(house,office). Cross referencing the IP to an' email is also good. It then forces yer dirtbag to create another email addy,as well has getting a new IP.

hope that helps. Rubb.
to leave the door open allows bad people to come back and fix past or present problems .
i hear that, I do have a few enemys on line i must confess,
kind of funny they want to mess with me on line then when i ask them do they want to meet up and discuss our problem in person they dont want to.Keyboard cowboys

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Problem with banning the IP can be that the user doesn't have a static IP, i.e. it changes automatically from time to time...

Just FYI...
Ok I didn't do it.....I swear officer....I was bakin cookies or somethin
Well i see how 2 deletea post sticky+all that i need a practice try i may have 2 ban my wife just 2 see if i know how 2 do it:D