Rhythm & JimboD


Rhythm and JimboD,

 Hey guy's I have seen some of your posts in the search of a undertail. Can you please tell me what type you have?(I'm in Upstate New York, You won't see me!) I have a clear alternatives clear tail lense with led's and turn signal integrator and would like a fender eliminator kit. I really didn't want to mess with the curves of my busa, but need to make it mine! I know that JimboD had to modify his but it still looks awsome. Rhythm, I see yours is painted and also looks freekin sweet.

Let me know,
thanks guy's

E-mail: hdraper@stny.rr.com

We were there, lots of people down on Cannery Row. We were down there on Fri & Sat night. Stayed at the Monterey Hilton.
Sorry Playa I dont know what type it is . I bought it used from another
board member at another site. I did see a post posted on undertails with a
link here about 3 month ago that sold my undertail just do some research on
the board and keep asking around someone will come to the rescue.