Hey Stunnah! Read your going Turbo........... Guess you'll be changing those gears again, had you thought about this? With the power your bike will be making I bet the ole 18/38-39 combo is in your immediate future. Ks..............
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when i bought my bike someone had put on 16/46, oh my gawd!!! it wasn't great for cruising anywhere, but the acceleration was off the chart. it wheelied good right around 5000 rpms at max acceleration with no other mods. i've gone back to stock due to the fact that i like cruisin around to much and i would rather have the top end speed. that and the fact that the chain was non-O-ring and the rear 46 was aluminum and disintegrating and it was a 520 not a 530 sprocket. but anyway it accellerated nicely
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