Reality check.....

what? dont be a squidward??
cant really see what caused him to go down...
what did i miss??:dunno:

The guy put his visor up all the way and a bug hit him in the eye causing a chain reaction. He should have just cracked his visor up to his nose or upper lip not completely open. :rulez::rulez:
Good stuff there fellas, thanks!

I learn a lot from watching crashes like these.

I'll watch a crash over and over to try and figure out exactly what took place to cause the crash.

Hey me 2 :) the lord knows I need the extra knowledge.

Nice vids Shiro - some of them were WTF tho, like the guy that tried to overtake a motorcycle and hit an oncoming car. :shocked:

Yep totally got me. Watching something like that gets me everytime but I believe it's the most appropriate and responsible approach for the consequences of such a hobby.

Stay tuned more to come..........
I was gonna wait to see what anyone else would add before I posted some hayabusa vids I've put in my favorites but noone has added any. here's a few of em:

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Don't know why but I find this guy on the electric bike to be hilarious !
No helmet burnout on the sidewalk , then next frame he's laying out in road :rofl:

The things where people are acting stupid are well just plain stupid but the traffic videos scare me seriously. All I ride in mostly is traffic .
I dont have to worry about lowsiding at 80 around here but t-boning a car that just turned in front of me is an every time possibility.

Oof guy passing other bike head on into car.....God rest his soul cuz he's gone or a veggie !
Don't know why but I find this guy on the electric bike to be hilarious !
No helmet burnout on the sidewalk , then next frame he's laying out in road :rofl:

The things where people are acting stupid are well just plain stupid but the traffic videos scare me seriously. All I ride in mostly is traffic .
I dont have to worry about lowsiding at 80 around here but t-boning a car that just turned in front of me is an every time possibility.

Oof guy passing other bike head on into car.....God rest his soul cuz he's gone or a veggie !

Yep, just like that it's listos (finished). By starting this thread my intentions aren't to scare anyone from a hobby they love and share with everyone on this site. I view this thread and the videos within it as the most responsible and impactful way of showcasing what can result.

Check out the 2nd or 3rd one I posted of the Hayabusas. At 1:47 you'll see an unbelievable save. It was luck and quick reaction time that saved that guy.
Why exactly is the lane splitting guy an idiot?

If you can honestly ask that question then you probably think lane splitting is safe and ok to do, so I will not waste my time explaining to you why he and anyone who lane splits is an idiot. Yeah yeah yeah I know you don't wanna get rear ended blah blah blah if people don't watch in front of themselves what makes you think they will check their mirrors before changing lanes, don't be stupid, lane splitting is stupid. A squid you must be:poke: of course this is JMO
If you can honestly ask that question then you probably think lane splitting is safe and ok to do, so I will not waste my time explaining to you why he and anyone who lane splits is an idiot. Yeah yeah yeah I know you don't wanna get rear ended blah blah blah if people don't watch in front of themselves what makes you think they will check their mirrors before changing lanes, don't be stupid, lane splitting is stupid. A squid you must be:poke: of course this is JMO

While riding I would never split lanes but at a red light I would like to filter to the front past stopped cars legally .
While riding I would never split lanes but at a red light I would like to filter to the front past stopped cars legally .

I would like to do that too but its not fair, just because you can fit doesn't make it right and will probably piss off most people then you will be run over, because honestly all the person in the car has to say is they never saw you an they walk away unharmed.
I would like to do that too but its not fair, just because you can fit doesn't make it right and will probably piss off most people then you will be run over, because honestly all the person in the car has to say is they never saw you an they walk away unharmed.

I can fit and my dad told me life is not always fair.
A bike filtered to the front will not hold up any cars once light goes green .
The cars hold me up and then I'm in the mix where I don't want to be.
Yes if someone moved over and I whacked the side of their car while splitting then it would be an argument over who had right of way.
I only really like to do it if there are like 3-5 cars and I can easily get to front.
Splitting past a quarter mile of cars of alot of them I would not do.
I can fit and my dad told me life is not always fair.
A bike filtered to the front will not hold up any cars once light goes green .
The cars hold me up and then I'm in the mix where I don't want to be.
Yes if someone moved over and I whacked the side of their car while splitting then it would be an argument over who had right of way.
I only really like to do it if there are like 3-5 cars and I can easily get to front.
Splitting past a quarter mile of cars of alot of them I would not do.

What gives you the right to go to the front at red lights no matter if its 100 cars or one little smart car? What is the reason? If you want infront that bad wait till it goes green and pass legally and safely
What gives you the right to go to the front at red lights no matter if its 100 cars or one little smart car? What is the reason? If you want infront that bad wait till it goes green and pass legally and safely

If I have to explain this to you..... :poke:

1.) I could have an air-cooled engine (which I do on my Triumph Thruxton).

2.) If it's 100 degrees out and I'm wearing ATGAT, I'm not in a car with a/c

3.) Life's not fair

4.) It's legal in California, as it should be

5.) It's legal in a lot of the rest of the world - drivers of cars get used to it....

6.) Common sense dictates how you should SAFELY lane split. Risk will be involved with everything.

Are you a weekend warrior that rides only when it is comfy out? To each his own.

What gives you the right to go to the front at red lights no matter if its 100 cars or one little smart car? What is the reason? If you want infront that bad wait till it goes green and pass legally and safely

I do it whenever possible. I want the cars behind me, not all around me when the light turns. I stay away from cars whenever possible, yup, I have all of my legs and arms for good reason.
If I have to explain this to you..... :poke:

1.) I could have an air-cooled engine (which I do on my Triumph Thruxton).

2.) If it's 100 degrees out and I'm wearing ATGAT, I'm not in a car with a/c

3.) Life's not fair

4.) It's legal in California, as it should be

5.) It's legal in a lot of the rest of the world - drivers of cars get used to it....

6.) Common sense dictates how you should SAFELY lane split. Risk will be involved with everything.

Are you a weekend warrior that rides only when it is comfy out? To each his own.


Its not about being fair its about being safe, common sense tells you its not safe to piss off someone in a car that can easily kill you and they will have no punishment for it.

1.) Air cooled engines are made to handle alot more heat than you think and if waiting for a red light is going to overheat your bike you have much bigger problems with your engine.

2.) I don't know what ATGAT stands for but I am guessing its your riding gear, my thought is if your smart enough to wear your gear you should be smart enough to be safe and know lane splitting is NOT safe. Its your choice to ride when its 100 degrees, if you can't do it safely don't ride.

3.) Your right life is not fair, but why risk your life just to get ahead of someone???

4.) Doesn't surprise me that its legal in California, they have the most retarded laws of any state and that was probably something someone made up to get their name heard and earn a few votes to get into some office. The fact thats it is legal in California just gives more proof of how idiotic it really is

5.) The rest of the world that you are talking about are better drivers than we are in America and they are much more aware of there surroundings and don't have near as much road rage. You can't safely lane split in a rush rush country. Americans are only out for themselves and are always afraid someone will get one up on them so they will purposely STOP you from lane splitting and then sue you or your family because you dented their car.

6.) Common sense should tell you there is no way to SAFELY lane split, its just riding lucky till your luck runs out.

Depends on what your definition of weekend warrior is. I have put 49,000 miles on a 2007 Busa all put on by me. Ridden sunny, raining, snowing and sleeting. As hot as 100+ degrees and as cold as 26 degrees. Longest one day trip was 750 miles [Washington DC (Rolling Thunder Rally) to Tn.] Longest trip 5 days. I was riding 500 miles a week to and from work but after going through 2 set of tires this past summer I started driving the car. Once I figured all the cost of bike vs car the car was cheaper.
A weekend warrior I think not Jr but I know there are alot of people out there like Sleepless Red who can out last me any day of the week or weekend on a bike.
Oh yeah and all the riding above, plus my last 2 bikes, I have NEVER split lanes, and I have done some really stupid crap on a bike but slitting lanes is way too crazy for me. Just doesn't make sense to me ??? but like you said to each his own :beerchug: good luck on your lane splitting, I hope and pray when your number comes up and someone turns into you that you come out ok.
wow- how did the deer guy NOT go down??
thats some scary stuff...

Combination of small deer and not grabbing a lot of brake and angling the bike in a last minute evasive action. Don't think he had time for any of those actions. jmo
I would like to do that too but its not fair, just because you can fit doesn't make it right and will probably piss off most people then you will be run over, because honestly all the person in the car has to say is they never saw you an they walk away unharmed.

Biggest problem is here people rear ending people. Blanca is right bikes shouldn't be stuck at the back of any line waiting on the txt'er to cream them. Here in FL they don't need to say they didn't see you. If they blow through a stop sign an cancel you like stamp it's not a crime that they will do time for it's a traffic accident, thats all it is. They get a traffic ticket and move on with their day. If he isn't drunk or on drugs don't expect much to happen to the driver for it.
Its not about being fair its about being safe, common sense tells you its not safe to piss off someone in a car that can easily kill you and they will have no punishment for it.

1.) Air cooled engines are made to handle alot more heat than you think and if waiting for a red light is going to overheat your bike you have much bigger problems with your engine.

I don't know what traffic is like in Tn, but it is easy to wait in sit'n'go traffic here in excess of 10-15 minutes. You are right though I have no idea how long it will take to degrade the oil in my bike due to heat and I would rather not find out. ??? I don't see it being too hard to get oil to heat up to... I think 270? degrees on a 100 degree day.

2.) I don't know what ATGAT stands for but I am guessing its your riding gear, my thought is if your smart enough to wear your gear you should be smart enough to be safe and know lane splitting is NOT safe. Its your choice to ride when its 100 degrees, if you can't do it safely don't ride.

Yes, riding gear. Full riding gear. Even summer gear is generally not meant to keep you cool while you sit. Sitting for 10, 15, 20 minutes in traffic is enough to start taking out the tinfoil and baking some cookies while you wait. No thanks.

3.) Your right life is not fair, but why risk your life just to get ahead of someone???

4.) Doesn't surprise me that its legal in California, they have the most retarded laws of any state and that was probably something someone made up to get their name heard and earn a few votes to get into some office. The fact thats it is legal in California just gives more proof of how idiotic it really is

Of all the idiotic laws in California, this is not one of them.

5.) The rest of the world that you are talking about are better drivers than we are in America and they are much more aware of there surroundings and don't have near as much road rage. You can't safely lane split in a rush rush country. Americans are only out for themselves and are always afraid someone will get one up on them so they will purposely STOP you from lane splitting and then sue you or your family because you dented their car.

Maybe Europe has better drivers, but overall, the rest of the world is definitely not filled with better drivers.

6.) Common sense should tell you there is no way to SAFELY lane split, its just riding lucky till your luck runs out.

Depends on what your definition of weekend warrior is. I have put 49,000 miles on a 2007 Busa all put on by me. Ridden sunny, raining, snowing and sleeting. As hot as 100+ degrees and as cold as 26 degrees. Longest one day trip was 750 miles [Washington DC (Rolling Thunder Rally) to Tn.] Longest trip 5 days. I was riding 500 miles a week to and from work but after going through 2 set of tires this past summer I started driving the car. Once I figured all the cost of bike vs car the car was cheaper.
A weekend warrior I think not Jr but I know there are alot of people out there like Sleepless Red who can out last me any day of the week or weekend on a bike.
Oh yeah and all the riding above, plus my last 2 bikes, I have NEVER split lanes, and I have done some really stupid crap on a bike but slitting lanes is way too crazy for me. Just doesn't make sense to me ??? but like you said to each his own :beerchug: good luck on your lane splitting, I hope and pray when your number comes up and someone turns into you that you come out ok.

You ride quite a bit, but I think you watch too many youtube videos. Who says you have to lane-split at 50mph? If cars are stopped, you pass them at say... 10mph? If a car purposely turns infront of me they better hope to God they break my leg because if I get up....

Ironically enough, one of the cars in the video actually does stop a bike from overtaking. The video is from Europe, I can't remember if they ever caught the driver, but he purposely put that bike into the ditch. That wasn't lane splitting either, that was on a simple two-lane overpass. Lane splitting is no more dangerous than passing a car on a two lane road. I'm more afraid of a car running me off the road trying to pass them at say 45mph than I am of lane-splitting at 10-15mph. You don't have to lane split like ghostrider :laugh:

BTW I've never lane split, came close to it on the Triumph, because I was afraid of cooking the engine, but I haven't yet. It's illegal here. Nevertheless, you shouldn't wish ill will on someone simply for doing something that may be legal in their state or country, even if you don't agree with it - This is all I am saying.
I don't know what traffic is like in Tn, but it is easy to wait in sit'n'go traffic here in excess of 10-15 minutes. You are right though I have no idea how long it will take to degrade the oil in my bike due to heat and I would rather not find out. ??? I don't see it being too hard to get oil to heat up to... I think 270? degrees on a 100 degree day.

Yes, riding gear. Full riding gear. Even summer gear is generally not meant to keep you cool while you sit. Sitting for 10, 15, 20 minutes in traffic is enough to start taking out the tinfoil and baking some cookies while you wait. No thanks.

Of all the idiotic laws in California, this is not one of them.

Maybe Europe has better drivers, but overall, the rest of the world is definitely not filled with better drivers.

You ride quite a bit, but I think you watch too many youtube videos. Who says you have to lane-split at 50mph? If cars are stopped, you pass them at say... 10mph? If a car purposely turns infront of me they better hope to God they break my leg because if I get up....

Ironically enough, one of the cars in the video actually does stop a bike from overtaking. The video is from Europe, I can't remember if they ever caught the driver, but he purposely put that bike into the ditch. That wasn't lane splitting either, that was on a simple two-lane overpass. Lane splitting is no more dangerous than passing a car on a two lane road. I'm more afraid of a car running me off the road trying to pass them at say 45mph than I am of lane-splitting at 10-15mph. You don't have to lane split like ghostrider :laugh:

BTW I've never lane split, came close to it on the Triumph, because I was afraid of cooking the engine, but I haven't yet. It's illegal here. Nevertheless, you shouldn't wish ill will on someone simply for doing something that may be legal in their state or country, even if you don't agree with it - This is all I am saying.

First off I would like to apologize, I did not in anyway mean for it to sound like I was wishing for someone to wreck. I was saying that when/if it happened I hope you come out ok. I can see how what I typed can be taken as me wishing ill on someone so for that I really do apologize.

Your also probably right I have only seen lane splitting on youtube videos where they are flying by people like morons, but the problem I am talking about is when you pass someone and they are unable to move and they see you able to go by everyone it will piss them off and that is the danger. Pissing people off with the ability to legally kill you, way too many people are controlled by their anger for me to try that.

Here in Tn our traffic is not as bad as most states but the average wait time during rush hour is like yours 10 - 20 mins, and we have Harleys sitting with no water or oil cooler they have no trouble. I was in FL at the Thunder on the Beach Rally right after I got my Busa everything still set to factory specs sitting in traffic my bike started to over heat I could not move to get any air but instead of lane splitting I pulled off the road and let her cool down, splitting the lanes never even occurred to me, but if it had I still think I would have just pulled off. (idle was too high).

And as far as you getting too hot, well my only response is if its too hot for gear and too hot to safely ride a motorcycle then its too hot for you to ride.

I know we are going to have to agree to disagree, I can see your point on why it would be good and easier to do, however, I am not going to see the advantage of lane splitting worth the risk.
yeah, I gotta weigh in on this one.

I am not an idiot. I am a mature, college educated, employed sr. level executive. I weigh risk v. return in most everything I do. Yes, I like adrenaline. No, I don't jump out of airplanes without a parachute. Yes, I do laneshare.

Lane splitting is legal in California. Regardless of why, it is. Every driver knows it, it's in our driving tests. Technically it is called lane sharing. Riding down the middle between two lanes is illegal. The law states that a motorcycle can share a lane with another vehicle.

The roads here are more than wide enough to accomodate a motorcycle and a car in the same lane. Personally I think it was originally intended for two motorcycles to share a lane together but since they said "vehicle" it works to share a lane with a car too.

In the summer I have a choice. Sit in stop/go traffic for 2 hours, or laneshare and be home in 35 minutes. I commute on my busa for this very reason. It's an advantage. The driver's in CA are among some of the worst in the country, no doubt about that. However, when they are sitting in stop/go traffic, it's hard to pull out in front of someone. So advantage is mine. They could open the door but I've been here over 15 years and I've never seen it happen.

There is more space between cars than most people think. It's quite spacious.

My advice to lanesharers. Be considerate. Don't run by at 50+mph faster than the car. Don't honk for them to move over. Wave if they try to move over a wee bit. Be considerate. Be Aware.
yeah, I gotta weigh in on this one.

I am not an idiot. I am a mature, college educated, employed sr. level executive. I weigh risk v. return in most everything I do. Yes, I like adrenaline. No, I don't jump out of airplanes without a parachute. Yes, I do laneshare.

Lane splitting is legal in California. Regardless of why, it is. Every driver knows it, it's in our driving tests. Technically it is called lane sharing. Riding down the middle between two lanes is illegal. The law states that a motorcycle can share a lane with another vehicle.

The roads here are more than wide enough to accomodate a motorcycle and a car in the same lane. Personally I think it was originally intended for two motorcycles to share a lane together but since they said "vehicle" it works to share a lane with a car too.

In the summer I have a choice. Sit in stop/go traffic for 2 hours, or laneshare and be home in 35 minutes. I commute on my busa for this very reason. It's an advantage. The driver's in CA are among some of the worst in the country, no doubt about that. However, when they are sitting in stop/go traffic, it's hard to pull out in front of someone. So advantage is mine. They could open the door but I've been here over 15 years and I've never seen it happen.

There is more space between cars than most people think. It's quite spacious.

My advice to lanesharers. Be considerate. Don't run by at 50+mph faster than the car. Don't honk for them to move over. Wave if they try to move over a wee bit. Be considerate. Be Aware.

And this is what will piss someone off. If everyone thought of it how you do then it would be safe, but you have all the people you are passing and most of them are already pissed for sitting in traffic and you pass them everyday, one day someone will be waiting, because your passing the same people everyday in your work commute. I don't wish it on you I am just stating my point of view.
i'm good! there's some nasty spills. half of the original clip was all i needed to see.:banghead:
Alright, I have a question for you guys. Go to the third video, 'Motorcycle Crashes' and start the video at 3:35/:36. You should see a guy doing a stoppy. Can someone better explain the front wheel wobble that happens to him (why, what should he have done different?) anything you might see wrong? I didn't think the front wheel could wobble like that with the bike in the air......?
