Presidential Democrat Forum Nov. 7 15 MSNBC Maddow moderated.


Democratic Presidential Candidates Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are interviewed by Rachel Maddow in a Forum setting. Differing from a debate as Maddow Interviews candidates separately one at a time.

At MSNBC forum, Democratic candidates court black voters | MSNBC

ROCK HILL, South Carolina – The three Democratic presidential candidates made a concerted pitch to black voters Friday at an MSNBC candidate forum in this first-in-the-South primary state. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley fielded questions on issues including ISIS, the Keystone pipeline and how to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, but focused mainly on appealing to African-American voters facing the looming prospect of replacing Barack Obama, the first black president.

Just watched the show and it was very informative and telling about each of candidates. I didn't get thrilled or cringe much about any of their comments. O'Malley and Sanders were quick and concise in their responses. Hillary went on in extra detail and telling stories.

O'Malley and Sanders saw more wrong with present America. Clinton saw some improvement is necessary. Clinton didn't bash the GOP much at all. O'malley and Sanders vehemently accusing GOP of wrongs.

O'malley used the term Progressive. Sanders used the term Socialist Democrat. Clinton did not get caught categorizing her philosophy. However it was obvious Clinton used the event to improve her likability.

Anyrate I thought be interesting to put these type of events in Political Forum. This next Tuesday is the 4th GOP Debate focused on economic issues.
makes no difference. the American public is brain washed into continuing Omami's policies with Clinton. at least in the republican race Americans are still undecided but in the democratic race Clinton is the clear front runner and that is terribly scary for this country considering she is a lying incompetent loser.
Is too bad Hillary is De Facto Democrat nominee. Her interview last night was like an hour with Martha Stewart. Lets talk we're just women here right. Taken as a nondescript candidate, she is seriously compromised by abusing public trust. Least trustworthy of any of the candidates.

Interesting the audience applause for Bernie was most active and least active with Hillary. It might be the way they responded to the issues. Hillary's long drawn out story telling didn't have the bunch line finish that prompts an applause.

True the Candidates are wicked dirtbags. But its the people who keeping elect them is worse.
True the Candidates are wicked dirtbags. But its the people who keeping elect them is worse.
but America wanted change....:whistle: yea. well they got it. a change in out national debt that is now $20 Trillion..... wat a schmuck! no big deal tho we will just print more money smh.
I'm sure Rachel 'man-child' Maddow asked a lot of tough, probing questions....
She was congenial with all of them. Hardest question was Campaign financing. Bernie Sanders makes a big deal his money is gotten from individuals, donating an average of thirty bucks each. Hillary Clinton was questioned about her Campaign Financing. Maddow got a look that could kill from Hillary while she was asking the question. lol

The Issues asked about were current ones in the news. From Same Sex marriage through Voters Rights, Gun Control through Black Lives Matter. Interesting Sanders is Pro Gun more or less. He isn't on the agenda to ban guns like the other two. (Agenda is Ultimate goal is banning guns, Gun Control laws they push Assault ban, Register gun and odd ball restrictions like licensing and limited ammo purchasing. The Stuff when taken to court are determined as unconstitutional.)
Because Sanders as a Senator voted against the war in Iraq. He brought it up as a point of distinction. No other past deeds were discussed of any emphasis, what no Bengazi, emails. exactly
Back to candidates are AyeHs its the voters. The Audience applause is an indicator for both Candidate and outsiders on how popular a topic is. Bernie's free giveways got applause, free college education, healthcare. Not getting as much applause was His class warfare championing of the middle class vs the ultra rich. What did get applause was bashing the GOP. Bernie used complete false narrative to villianize the GOP and got applause. It is disturbing anything could be made up and people believe it.
Meanwhile Hillary was all about they love me they really love me. lol

So yes the questions weren't Hardball. Heck they weren't even Softball questions. They were Nerfball questions lol.
Rise Patriots! Put a Stop to the treason! Thats all im going to say.