***pictures from the vegas run***


Donating Member
We had an' absolute blast. BaBusa crashed but he's not busted up,just bruised up. Read about that

The Housemouse and I did not ride.We went there to have fun and hang out with Vegas/Cali boys for some nightlife.

Bigtime fun. We did a giant pigout at a buffet one night.Myself,the 'Mouse,Rich watched the house band the first night(my day started at 5am and ended at 4am,wahooo),about 10 of us did Hooters the next night,followed by The Hard Rock Cafe the next nite.There was about 15 of us there.

 Big time fun.

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woohooo...now we need some rides up here in pa..uhhh ohhh yea and people that actually own them too!!!!!
Well,this is Random,so here's some pics in random order.

Here's where The Mouse and I stayed. The Stratosphere,the tallest structure in Vegas. Cool place.Revolving resturant and rides on the roof about 28 floors up.

....cool place called...you guessed it.

Drive a Vette,a Hummer,etc...around a road course or obstacle course for 10 bucks.

here's BaBusa kickin' back at Hooters informing the rest of the pack where we are.

here's DL(and a bunch of numbers) about to back hand Gunnybusa for talking smack....hahahahaha

whenever I go to Hooters,I always molest the waitresses.....

and NO, I have not been drinking.... MUCH. hahahaha

but I got her back. I distracted Ba with another glass of Guinness.

Here's how cool Ba Busa is. Each of us were taking turns buying rounds. I bought some beers and a couple rounds of Sambuka shooters.It cost me 55 bucks I think,no big deal. Ba Busa was running up a tab thou,covering most of the rounds.

I think his tab was like 275.oo thanks again bro,from all of us.He insisted on paying it. He let a couple of the boys get the tip at least.

Thanks to all you boys for the drinks,and a great night.

Gunnybusa was feeling neglected thou. So Ol' Rubb showed him some love.

Problem was,he liked it a little too much. hahahaha

He did complain about the whisker burn thou.

big baby....hahahahaha

Great pics and looks like ya had a good time to
sure hope BA is feel'in better soon
molesting the waitress eh
you look very content there
DL was being a gentleman,helping up his wife(she had tee many Martoonies)
,thats when Gunny made the decission that.... he would drive,and I dont mean the truck.

......pervert. hahahaha

more perversion by DL. He brought his own magic marker and began to deface Hooters property.
