Physician Assisted Suicide


Let's turn the age up from the other thread and see where people stand on this. Currently, it's legal in six states. Where do you stand on the rest of the US allowing it?

Personally, I'm all for someone with a terminal illness to be granted the dignity to go on their own terms in an effort to remove pain and suffering.
I personally could not, and would not.
I also know that our lives are given to us with free will. It is our choice to do as we choose.
If a person wants to end their life for any reason, I may disagree, or even discourage it...but it is not my place to say.
If a person asks someone to kill them, and that person is ok doing so, then it is between the two of them.
We don't need laws infringing upon our free will, even if they think they have the best interests at heart.
Abortion, that's someone else's life.
Suicide, that's your own life.
If your loved ones are ok with it. Ok.
If they are not, consider the hurt suicide puts on a family. If you are ok with it, then do what you feel is best for You.
At least be an organ donor if you're able. :beerchug:
In my home state:

The Victorian Government believes all Victorians are entitled to quality end of life care, which relieves pain and suffering, and provides compassionate support to family, friends and carers.
On 29 November 2017, the Victorian Parliament passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017.
From 19 June 2019, Victorians at the end of life who are suffering and who meet strict eligibility criteria will be able to request access to voluntary assisted dying.
The law allows for an 18-month implementation period to give health services time to plan and prepare for voluntary assisted dying.
A range of resources are available under the community and consumer information and health practitioners and services information sections.
Idk? I just don’t understand our Laws & Government???

All I hear is Freedom of choice..... My body My Choice yada yada yada

So it’s legal to kill another life that’s growing inside you

It’s legal to kill another human being that committed a crime and is sentenced to death for said crimes

But it’s not legal for a person to take their own life who has a terminal illness and lives in constant pain and agony?? No control of their bodily functions or a shred of self dignity....... Can’t feed themselves can’t bathe themselves can’t do anything but lay there in pain and rack up thousands of dollars in medical bills daily. That person doesn’t have a say in regards to what they can and can’t to with their lives

Because that’s playing GOD right?? But the guy who murdered someone 20 years ago and been sitting on death row since has the right to have his life ended by the decisions of Man.....

GTFOH :moon:
I've seen people die of terminal illnesses who did not have this available to them...I say in these cases, it should be up to the individual who has to suffer so they can go in dignity.

Assisted suicide? Abortion, regardless of what we think, these will still be part of our lives whether it is a law or not. People will find a way.
I've worked with a lot of elderly people who required assistance and of course seen the dwindling away of several of my relatives. It's a very unfortunate catch 22 but I think in most cases, when the time comes to make the decision, the elderly are too mentally debilitated to do so competently. The same is true of people who are simply depressed and who are not suffering from age related mental debilitation. They are not capable of making such a decision. Of course there are exceptions. Some people are dying and still have perfect brain functioning but that is rare. When you are of sound mind, you can ask to not be put on life support and that's about the best you can do.
I've worked with a lot of elderly people who required assistance and of course seen the dwindling away of several of my relatives. It's a very unfortunate catch 22 but I think in most cases, when the time comes to make the decision, the elderly are too mentally debilitated to do so competently. The same is true of people who are simply depressed and who are not suffering from age related mental debilitation. They are not capable of making such a decision. Of course there are exceptions. Some people are dying and still have perfect brain functioning but that is rare. When you are of sound mind, you can ask to not be put on life support and that's about the best you can do.

Sorry but I gotta disagree.....

If this “mentally debilitated” person can sign a power of attorney handing over all their $$$ and property to someone and it is recognized in a court of law then they should have their decision to check out recognized as well.

Just this week I had a friend’s dad pass away. He had cancer and it had ate away at him. He was on morphine to numb the pain and it basically made him a zombie. Couldn’t afford to put him in a home or hospice so his daughter was trying to take care of him. When he took a turn for the worse he was rushed to the hospital and put on all kinds of machines etc to keep him alive. Long enough for family to arrive and say goodbyes. Pulled him off life support and for those who don’t know it’s not a peaceful way to go....

Basically he struggled to breath and eventually drowned in his own fluids which took the better part of 2 hours to happen. How the living F@ck is that a more humane way to go than receiving a shot and going to sleep???
Basically he struggled to breath and eventually drowned in his own fluids which took the better part of 2 hours to happen. How the living F@ck is that a more humane way to go than receiving a shot and going to sleep???

It's not. The only issue I have with assisted suicide is the fact that some people that can live long and productive lives will opt for the end it all route if it is available. Other than that I have no problem with it. I sure don't want to end life in a bed with no mental/physical capacity, being a burden to others.
Yea, abortion is someone elses life, an innocent person, an actual innocent soul. What's mind boggling is that it's easier to kill a child than it is to kill someone like Charles Manson or Ted Bundy. If an older person wants to end it, and they're of sound mind, then sure, let em go with some dignity man, don't let them just sit in an old folks home to be mistreated and taken advantage of because you don't want to feel bad. If they're sick and suffering, let them go on their own terms.
It's not. The only issue I have with assisted suicide is the fact that some people that can live long and productive lives will opt for the end it all route if it is available. Other than that I have no problem with it. I sure don't want to end life in a bed with no mental/physical capacity, being a burden to others.
If I were in that position, I'd find a long as I had my guns that is...
matter of fact, they should come up with some sort of insane combination of psychoactive drugs to give people at the point they decide they don't want to live anymore. Go out in a blaze of technicolor glory.
In the case of my friend the dad received the news a couple months ago that it was terminal and he had 6 months at best to live.

Now I’m sure we all read and seen the lifetime movies where the person defies the odds and goes on a Love Eat Pray journey discovering peace and happiness for years to come.......

Well that didn’t happen!!! Told 6 months and didn’t make it to 3. At the time he was told he was still up and about fully competent and aware of the situation. Within 3 months basically went from smiling and walking around to a pain riddled shell of a human being.

If I can sit around and eat fast food smoke cigarettes and drink diabetes in a glass until it kills me I don’t see why someone can’t have control over their own life and die with some dignity?? Do you really want the last images of you in your children’s minds of you to be a withered husk of a man who sh@ts himself and is incapable of holding a conversation??? That’s the humane option....??? To sit around for however many months you have left waste away in pain and die with no dignity. That’s cool....... but getting your affairs in order and saying goodbye while you still can is frowned upon??

Killing 7 month old babies..... oh my bad “fetus’s” that’s a woman’s right!!! Their choice Their body!!! And don’t you dare tell em what they should and shouldn’t be doing. That’s A-Ok :thumbsup:
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Matter of fact ,
they should come up
with some sort of insane
combination of psychoactive drugs
to give people at the point they decide
they do not want to live anymore . . .

Go out in a blaze
of technicolor glory .


If this “mentally debilitated” person can sign a power of attorney handing over all their $$$ and property to someone and it is recognized in a court of law then they should have their decision to check out recognized as well.
I agree if that is something that is done on ones deathbed. But that is probably not the best time to choose a power of attorney either.

If I were in that position, I'd find a long as I had my guns that is...
This is my father's line of thinking and I wouldn't try to prevent him from taking care of it himself. My only problem is what if he accidentally injures or kills my mom. Guns are like cars. At some point you have to have them taken away if you don't have sense enough to know you are not competent to use them.
My father begged my mother to give him his pistol, but she couldn’t do it. He died a few weeks later suffering.

This is never a way to go. Unfortunately, your parents may or may not live in a location where PAS is an available option. I dont know your dads story but would PAS have been considered by your family?
It's not. The only issue I have with assisted suicide is the fact that some people that can live long and productive lives will opt for the end it all route if it is available. Other than that I have no problem with it. I sure don't want to end life in a bed with no mental/physical capacity, being a burden to others.

The ideal behind PAS is to end suffering for someone with a terminal illness. An illness that inhibits a long productive life. The process for obtaining legal PAS rights is a long process and that person HAS to have a terminal illness.