Paranoid about my new Busa

Apples to Oranges Dude. The Zero G will deflect a lot more wind.
Drew and 2002: The Power Bronze Double Bubble and Zero Gravity Double Bubble are basically the same shape. That is why they are called "Double Bubbles." The pic you shared 2002 is of the much higher "touring" design than the double bubbles, and true, it will deflect more air. It is no comparison with the double bubbles, and I wasn't attempting to do that. However, comparing the ZG DB with the PB DB, to me, is a fair comparison. My opinion is that the air deflection of these two windscreens is about the same. I like the PB because it is thicker and doesn't vibrate. My .02.
the high pitch whine at ideal and if you turn the key on with it in neutral is the fuel pump. 02's and up, the fuel pump is not insulated.
