Our New Redline Center Stand is Finally Done!


Donating Member
Hey guys, I'm stoked about finally announcing that my new Redline Center Stand is done! A guy from the forum asked about a year ago that we offer some sort of removable center stand for sport bikes and so I made a prototype. Well, most folks at the Gap that I showed it to just loved it so I've spent the last 3 months, yes it really took that long, making 50 of these units. I went through several prototypes and many trips to the local dealerships for testing and it's finally done. It's a good thing too cause I'm sooooo tired of welding! At any rate please check it out and let me know what you think. L8r.

Redline Sport Bike Motorcycle Center Stand
I remember when you first asked us to give our input on this project Ian.... I'm glad to see it come to fruition for you... If I didn't already have a front and rear stand, I'd be asking ya when I could order !!!! Hope it sells well:thumbsup:
I want one... I will be ordering on Ian.
looks very nice.
Curious why I have to save the videos from your site before I can play them ?
I click on 'here' and popup asks me if I wanna save it ?
If I dont save it I cant play any of them ?
Can you post a video of how the jack is set up on the hayabusa from like when you ride it in the garage til you can walk off and leave it.

Ive seen videos on Youtube of that with front chocks

Is it necessary to use a floor jack?

Any group buys coming?
