Old Lady cut me off, then totaled my car


It's been about 2 weeks, by an old lady cut me off and destroyed my Mazda. She turned from the center lane of a 4 lane (very busy) city street, to make a left turn. She didn't even look, and nailed my car. Busted up my suspension and bent the frame of the car, no one was hurt fortunately. Ya know, I thought that the dreaded "left turner" was the motorcyclist's biggest hazard, I quess it follows us to our cars too. Be careful, there are old ladies everywhere.

it is better to have your 2 feet carry you from acrash than 12 friends
Sue the living crap out of her! If the state, county and federal government will not take measures to stop drivers who are not capable of safely operating a motorvehicle remove from them the finances to be able to afford to do so. I know some may be aghast at the thought of suing Grandma out of here retirement but, it is a sincere hazard to all and needs to be stopped. When I am no longer able to drive safely, I hope someone sells my vehicles and buys me a lifetime bus pass. I respect the old but, I am wanting to be able to grow old too.
Thanks for all of your concern. I did walk away and I am very thankful for that. I did consider sueing her, I learned the following day that the car was borrowed. I am just happy that her daughter is willing to allow her insurance company to replace my car. Strange as it may sound I must be mellowing as I age. 10 years ago, this would have had a very different outcome. Thanks again.

Whew I thought you meant your "old lady" cut you off as in cut off from the waist down... and then totaled your car. GLAd it was that serious

Cars are replacable, you aren't we just thank God you're ok