normal or best rpm range for everyday driving

i really hope i dont get flamed for this thread,but i just got an 01 busa,and i have nobody to ask,so here goes,i cant find a smooth shift rpm,i searched here and found lots of posts for racing/top spped shifts,but im new to riding and the bikes just feels"clunky" when i shift,not sure if its because im new to the bike or if im doing something wrong,i get a little nervous at high rpms so i shift around 5000... i beleive its stock except yoshimura exhaust,any help would be great....thanks
wtjames02...I'm new here but definantly not new to riding...just got my busa a couple weeks ago and can relate to what you're saying so here's my take on things....and may god help me. LOL!!!

1. The mighty Busa produces so much torque, so quickly, from just off idle revs that it is by nature extremely unforgiving to anything but the most gentle & conservative of throttle boot???..

2. The driveline slack/lash is definantly in the house with the biggest of zooks...and #1. + #2. ='s that even the slightest of hamfisted riders need not apply.

To be smooth around town???...I've found that I must be extremely smooth and gentle with roll-ons and/or when coming out of part throttle inputs and well-timed clutchless upshifting seems to help smooth things out immensly.

And here's where I need gods help as many here are very insistant that the TRE does absolutely nothing and the only cure is to rush out and buy a Power Commander and any one of 100's of custom fuel maps (some sold by members here) and infer that if you don't you're an absolute fool who knows nothing of what he speaks but....I found that plugging a "Smart TRE" into my newly aqquired bone stock Busa yielded noticably smoother results when rolling on the throttle (especially when rolling on throttle coming out of corner exits)as it adds fuel and advances the timing in gears 1st-4th which results in less surging and gives a much smoother, far less choppy, on/off feel to the throttle response...but I've been grilled by senior members of this board for ever making such claims.

Hope that helps, good luck and L8R, Bill.

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thanks for all the replys,im going to try to log some miles on my new busa soon,ive owned a few bikes before one suzuki,i wont tell you which and a zx12 but the 12 i stupidly let a friend ride,and only had it a week,it was totalled by him after that,im going to try and upload some pics when i get home from work later,i paid 7000 for the bike,i think i got a pretty good deal,it looks brand new,i would like to know about polishing the frame,at least i guess its the frame,the guy i bought it from had started,was wondering if anyone had any tips on that,i was going to use a meatal polish(mothers....etc) and my dremel polishing cloth wheel,has anybody here tried that? good results?
Welcome to the board and just enjoy riding this beast for awhile. You'll definitely get the feel for shifting as your time on the bike increases.
I learned to shift it very smoothly by not backing off on the rpm like you would on a cruiser. I keep a steady rpm while I quickly flick it into the next gear. It takes a little practice, but my shifts are super smooth at any rpm. Totally stock Busa.
Don't pay attn to rpms when I shift, depends on the mood. If I hammer on it, no clutch used. I try to run around 3500-4500rpms for normal riding depending on what type of road I am on.
I am suprised no one has brought up the vibrations you are hearing is most likely the windscreen, if you remove it and take electrical tape and double layer the edges of the windscreen then reinsert it, it will stop the annoying 5000 rpm vibrations you are experiencing
the problem i have with it is this..

alot of people do swear by them though.. so get some more opinions.. cuz i'm in the minority..

your gonna be running a 5th gear fuel map for every gear..

a 5th gear map is going to be a touch heavy on fuel because it's going to be compensating for the air coming thru the ram air tubes.. but in 1/2 gear that air isn't going to be there..

figure 150mph at 6000rpm for example (not sure if that actually is what rpm you'd be pulling in 5th at that speed, but it's just an example) your computer is going to be assuming that you have 150mph wind hitting the air tubes, and adjust the fuel flow accordingly..

now in first at 6000 your gonna be running less than 60 mph or something... thats a big difference in air flow to me..

I don't see how they aren't all running rich in the first 2-3 gears.

thats my theory, whether it's wrong or right.. I dunno..
I tried one on my 04.....I live about a mile up in elevation and it hurt my driveability big time. Made the off idle response very jagged and abrupt...and it gave me a bad stumble in the 4-6k rpm range in the higher gears. And didn't do jack for the power in any gear. Alot of folks don't realize that the 03 and up Busa's have a 32 bit pc compared to the 02 and back with a 16 bit. They did that to correct the low end throttle response probs the older bikes had. The only need for a tre on a newer machine would be top speed runs. I have heard they help smooth the throttles on the older bikes tho...