I looked at those. Not sure if they've ever built one for a Hayabusa, no pics of one on their site. Their heated seat option is $170, the Symtec one is very inexpensive, about $50 and a DIY kit. Granted I still need to source a troller or on-off switch for it. It uses coax which is universal wiring. Plus not sure if you can drag knees on the Russel Day-Long seat?
I put 30K+ on the Tobin/New Image already, they look awesome, best looking seat out there bar none, but it holds your hips firmly in place, makes a great touring seat, but not a great canyon carving seat.
Solution so far has been to ask them to build a custom-skin for me instead & retain the stock shape, but add the LED kanji lighting, stitching, etc. With Second Look out of business, no one in the US makes seat skins anymore. LuiMoto is what's left and they have just one design for the busa.