New chapter of my life


Well I worked my last full time shift at the ambulance yesterday after working there for the past four years. It's been an experience ill never forget and won't let go for good, I've met sme of the best and smartest people I've ever known and I've made a list of friends I hope to always have. But I'm moving on to the next chapter of my life, I check into the New York State corrections academy Sunday. The academy is 8 weeks and then 2 weeks of ojt at a max prison, then I'm assigned to where ill actually be. It's gonna be a life changer for me in many ways the big one is not being with my best friends every third day. It's for the best considering ill be retired at 47 :whistle::laugh: another bad thing is I prolly won't be able to ride the busa as much as I planned this summer :lala: so I prolly won't be posting much for the next few months but I will be back! :please::thumbsup:
I hope it works out well for you. Just remember your going into a extremely negative and destructive occupation because of the people your going to be dealing with. Make sure you have outlets to help you blow off steam. Good luck.
Thanks everyone, I have a pretty good support system at home it's gonna be a learning experience for me that's for sure