I think ill go with a cbr 600 cause a lighter bike seeems better for me. Ive heard the VFR (what a nice sound), but i think the 600 will be better for my experience and size. This will be good ground for me to cover til i get a busa ina couple yrs. thnx for the advice
VFR is little bit heavier cbr might be more fun for twisties weight is not too much for ya if some of these people can handle the 500lb monster busa then vfr is not a problem
Those VFRs are NICE bikes. Extremely comfortable, reliable, and I love the single-sided swingarm look. Gear drive rather than belt, with all kinds of nice extras. But the 600 will be cheaper, and easier to ride in my opinion.
Those VFRs are NICE bikes. Extremely comfortable, reliable, and I love the single-sided swingarm look. Gear drive rather than belt, with all kinds of nice extras. But the 600 will be cheaper, and easier to ride in my opinion.
gear driven cams...rather than HVO CHAIN driven cams . Is what he prolly meant to say . The VFR or Intercepter was born outa the days when Honduh had real bad press with the cam-chains that were installed on some of their rides . The V65/V45 magna's the Sabre etc etc , experienced cam chain probs,and cam shaft probs etc . The Sabre had SHAFT final drive. None of these had BELT final drive. Honduh's answer was to start buildin gear driven cam bikes . The Magna and the Sabre came out in 1982 I think...then a year or so later they pooped out the VF 750 or the Intercepter . Now its the VFR .
Its still TURD-ON-WHEELS , if you ask me...but then again,no one was askin. That single sided swingarm bullshid,thats for posers...and BMW riders . YUK.
It was like '86 , when Honduh trotted out the VFR7-somthing... it was a 700 , if mem serves , cause of all that International Trade bullshid . Whats it now...a 750 or an' 800? O well....turd on toast....eat up.
Well good on ya for your purchase. Just remember the busa and look forward to it. I dont know what i would do if i didnt have the busa. I love her to death and have personified her like a wife or child. It could be considered pathetic by some but not here, or i hope. Later. Stay safe.
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