National Defense Authorization Act 2012 section 1032.

I got it. Ken it does sound scary that they could lock you up labeled as a terrorist indefinitely without charges but the only difference would be the lack of said charges. They can bogusly charge me right now with anything they want and lock me up. Right amount of effort would keep me there indefinitely no?
Heck they already 'render' folks and nobody ever hears from them again.
Wow so basically if the don't like someone they can call them a terrorist and lock them up? So if anyone talks bad about congress, a mayor, etc they can lock them up by calling them a terroist. That is just awesome.
Without having read it in depth, I believe American citizens outside US might be considered free game but there MUST be some limits, but inside the US I believe that is the purview of the FBI, with our current rights to trial by jury, search/seizure intact.

This is the result of U.S. Citizens who are traitors to our country (Adam Gadan as example, self-acknowledged Al-Queda member)

The problem is, our self-acknowledged enemies use our very laws and freedoms against us. I too fear the far-reaching hand of Big Brother (but I fear the Progressive hand much, much more than the Conservative Hand - and BOTH are equally capable of doing it).

However, if you are NOT an American Citizen (illegal alien, gitmo bay terrorist, ect.) I do NOT believe you are entitled to the same rights under American law as an American citizen. Which is also why it's important WHO/HOW we grant citizenship in the first place.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
P.S. I think the bill passed with these provisions stripped from it....both bi-partisan support in it's authors (Levin/Cain) and in those who passed an amendment that stripped the provisions.