What’s really gave way to the hate and racism that you see and read about is due to rise of social media. Nowadays you don’t have to be accountable for your words.......
You can create a profile and spew all the hate, garbage, and filth your fingers can type and not be held accountable. You can say and claim to be anyone you want you can talk all the sh@t in the world and not have to back it up. Then scurry away into whatever hole you came out of. COWARDS
I seriously wish I had the power to hack the net. I would expose all these hate mongers and keyboard warriors. Kinda like that TV show Cheaters!!! Show the posts people make follow then around then corner them and expose the truth to the world. See how tough they are when they don’t have a computer screen to hide behind. It would be real interesting to see when they have to go to work or walk down the street and people know what really lies in their hearts.....