Donating Member
For the members that are rolling to Myrtle Beach we need some contact info...I believe in another thread that everyone has agreed to meet at "bobo's Resort" Thursday night...

My crew will be at the Caravelle all 3 of us...

I can be reached here:
Burkley Sain AKA: STUNNAH

If any of you have any spare females that need a bike to roll on my rear seat will be available for a short period unless she can bring it to a conclusion then it will be her's for the weekend!!!
Hey Stunnahman,

Me and my crew plan on getting there late Thursday afternoon. I can be reached at (337) 274-6882. I will be staying at the Water's Edge Resort in Garden City. Holla!

My crew will be staying at Patricia Grand Resort.
2700 N. Ocean
Ask for Busa.
(804) 502-5414


Oh yeah look for a Dynasty MC Vest and a big black dude with Brands on his arms!!!

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I was late getting a room, but I'll be there Thurs - Sun. Staying at Hampton Inn Pawley's Island-Litchfield. My cell is 703-472-4161 ... Sage or DJ. And I'll be at bobo's on Thursday night. My first trip to MB, so if any you vets don't mind I'll tag along.
My crew will be staying at SCHOONER II Beach and reacuet club. Will get there on the 26th late after noon.Be looking for Chain Reaction Vests we will only be 4 deep. Would like to hook up with you all thursday night. contact info 815-530-3826
I'm jealous fellas as I have to work and can't get any one to switch weekends with me. That's alright though. Anything poppin in Va Beach during 4th of July?
Ill be there.

Stayin at the long bay resort on the applebees end.  
JD, look for the yella highbeam.  I have ta find Richards resort.  Gettin there thurs.


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Well looks like a few of us will be there...We'll just be the few that rules the many!!!
I'll be pulling in on thurs morn 5/27/04 I'm having mental block so I can't remember what condo's I'm staying in. but I think its s ocean blvd.I have your digits I will hit you up when I get there.I prefer not to post my cell for I have alot of admirerers.

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I'll be staying at the Bay  Watch Resorts

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We leave here wednesday the 26th staying at The radission hotel next to the Convention center where the vendor expo is at friday-sunday Come by and checkout my booth altered chrome heres a pic of project 1000 that Ill be riding this year sorry about pic fresh from paint booth unpolished but you get the idea  later Brian

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me and the boys from black-thunder will be rolling in thursday we wil be at the caravelle inn can be reached at 615-416-5936 or two way nextel just hit 148*31446*2 peace.
I will be at the Quality Inn by the Shore which is near the pavillion on Tuesday. Hit me up on the PM to get my celly.