i wanted to go to black bike week...........but my bike is blue :11doh:
i wanted to go to black bike week...........but my bike is blue :11doh:
Great like 3 of my coworkers just walked by my desk and are probably wondering why I have a pic of 5 half naked men on my double screens ???
thanks for the image reef lol, u trailer your bike from jersey?
The whole crew going back!! We there!! Pic from last year... Atlantic beach...We killed the whole strip! lol
Ohh!!!! Hello!!! My,my, look what I have been missing up here in the cold,cold north. Will you all be my tour guides at bike week? I am female,5'4, 123 lbs and i ride a busa!! I drag pegs!!! I tour about 40,000 k a season!!
Lol .....LOL.....LOL......seriously, looking good guys!!!
Ok so my boy that was going with me bailed, I will quote his text to me
"aint ish at bbw but teens, tickets n cops. u can have that one"
so i was like wtf dude we been talkin bout this for a minute
he replied " dude, it used to be cool, but now all I hear about are people getting harassed by cops, half of the businesses closing down and random teenage girls"
he dosnt make it sound so nice lol
memorial day weekend...who's going?