My poor wtf!!!!


If they are collecting assets you are not being sued, you have already been sued and lost. Assets are not collected prior to judgement no matter what state you live in. The best thing you can do to get your back bike right now is use your prior pain in the butt case about the stolen frame against this new bank collecting your assets. They can only take what is rightfully yours and since you have another bank claiming rights to your frame and bike, the ownership of your bike is in question.

Take all the paperwork from the original pain in the ass bank and call this new bank and show them how they just took a bike that has a stolen frame and may not belong to you, dint say doesn't belong because you then just admitted that ownership in fact does belong to the first bank and they will take it. Choose your word carefully And get a lawyer or right the bike off. Hate to say this but it sounds like one of these two banks is going to prove ownership and you're going to lose it but the fight between them may allow you to ride it until they settle said ownership. FYI, your children and possibly your parents should be the only people you ever consider co-signing a loan for and even then it's iffy. If you get it back part that thing out. Send the frame back to the original bank and tell the new one to come pick up what's left since that's all that's "yours" anyways.

I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
Story makes no sense friend. I would try and talk to the Judge and find out what happened to you. As stated it sounds like game over. Hard to believe you had all this contact with popo and you weren't served any notice of a civil matter :dunno:

If they are collecting assets you are not being sued, you have already been sued and lost. Assets are not collected prior to judgement no matter what state you live in. The best thing you can do to get your back bike right now is use your prior pain in the butt case about the stolen frame against this new bank collecting your assets. They can only take what is rightfully yours and since you have another bank claiming rights to your frame and bike, the ownership of your bike is in question.

Take all the paperwork from the original pain in the ass bank and call this new bank and show them how they just took a bike that has a stolen frame and may not belong to you, dint say doesn't belong because you then just admitted that ownership in fact does belong to the first bank and they will take it. Choose your word carefully And get a lawyer or right the bike off. Hate to say this but it sounds like one of these two banks is going to prove ownership and you're going to lose it but the fight between them may allow you to ride it until they settle said ownership. FYI, your children and possibly your parents should be the only people you ever consider co-signing a loan for and even then it's iffy. If you get it back part that thing out. Send the frame back to the original bank and tell the new one to come pick up what's left since that's all that's "yours" anyways.

I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!

u know its crazy but last month the bike was cleared they said sorry for the problems we caused u, the bike frame is all mine that issue was just solved last month i faught for the bike for about a year and won. now this s*** just happen, there is know conflict of ownership now, i won that case(see the thread stolen frame)
u know its crazy but last month the bike was cleared they said sorry for the problems we caused u, the bike frame is all mine that issue was just solved last month i faught for the bike for about a year and won. now this s*** just happen, there is know conflict of ownership now, i won that case(see the thread stolen frame)

Then that double sucks! Sue your Ex in Civil Court....that’s what it's for! Apply for Judge Judy or one of those shows. There’s a $5,000.00 or so limit to the lawsuits but that’s because that’s what the people get paid to be on the show...When you win you get your appearance fee plus the judgment for Judy...which will come from your Ex's appearance fee. Nothing out of her pocket, which is the incentive for her to show up and get yelled at by a TV judge.
hero i am really sorry you are going through this...get a lawyer...i have never seen where they can take above and beyond the collateral used to secure the loan.... if so then banks in your stake can take homes or whatever for any loan...
maybe so but, you will still owe something even if you give them the truck back because they are going to sell it wholesale, and then you will be left with what you ( i mean your ex ) originally agreeded to pay for loan minus what they sell the truck for.
That just stinks man you faught so hard for that bike then this happens wow, im sorry man.
so if they get the truck back i can get my bike back?
No, They will sell the truck and you will still have to pay the difference. My son went through something like this with his ex. He is still paying the note ever after they repoed the car. It sucks and he has to go after her in court to get his money even though they had a court order for he to pay it. Sorry I hope you get things worked out but I would not expect the bike back in good condition if you get it back at all. People do not care about other people's property.
Sounds like your ex gf was a real quality woman! What a distant bad memory for you she must be. Good luck, I hope you get your scooter back.
There has got to be so much more to this story.

This is beginning to remind me of "Kriss with a K".
Good advice lil.

You watch Judge Judy to get the knowledge! :laugh:

Really good reply

If they are collecting assets you are not being sued, you have already been sued and lost. Assets are not collected prior to judgement no matter what state you live in. The best thing you can do to get your back bike right now is use your prior pain in the butt case about the stolen frame against this new bank collecting your assets. They can only take what is rightfully yours and since you have another bank claiming rights to your frame and bike, the ownership of your bike is in question.

Take all the paperwork from the original pain in the ass bank and call this new bank and show them how they just took a bike that has a stolen frame and may not belong to you, dint say doesn't belong because you then just admitted that ownership in fact does belong to the first bank and they will take it. Choose your word carefully And get a lawyer or right the bike off. Hate to say this but it sounds like one of these two banks is going to prove ownership and you're going to lose it but the fight between them may allow you to ride it until they settle said ownership. FYI, your children and possibly your parents should be the only people you ever consider co-signing a loan for and even then it's iffy. If you get it back part that thing out. Send the frame back to the original bank and tell the new one to come pick up what's left since that's all that's "yours" anyways.

I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
i dnt think they have the truck. but they was told by a judge to seize my personal property, thats the paper he gave me thats what calmed me down. i believe they sent notice but didnt have the rite adress, it seems.
yet they could find you to get the bike...
If she still has the truck, I'd take it an give it to the bank. It is not stealing, as it is in your name also.
I cry Bs. State laws differ a little but this is not adding up. First the court has no authority to order police to seize assests over this type of case. The judge would place a judgement for the balance against you and they would garnish wages etc. They would not and do not sieze other assets over a vehicle loan. The vehicle itself is the asset.
This is strange............??????? All this happened without you being aware, I figured you would have at least got a court summons or something? How can they get the right address to repo but not the right address to tell you that you are being sued or have to show up at court?????
Well you have two options in my view. Option 1 is claim bankruptcy then there is nothing they can do and you keep everything you own. And option 2 get a lawyer to fight the judgment. Either way you need a lawyer.
They can only take the bike if the title was used to secure the truck loan, otherwisw they cant take it.The truck should have been reposessed first off.Why would they take your bike??If going thru bankruptcy, I can see and even then you have the ability to keep assets.Something doesnt add up here.They cannot seize assets for a loan like that especially if the bike was not held as collateral on the loan.They would attach a writ of garnishment and take your wages first and surprised they havent already.I would fight it for sure, then file chapter 7.
I remember going thru this with my ex and I got a lawyer which he did a release of interest I think since he said that you bought the truck for her right, that took my name off and they sued her for the money.