Msf experienced rider course


Just thought I'd let you all know how much fun taking the Motorcycle Safety Foundations Experienced Rider 1 day course was. I took it on Father's Day with my husband. It was actually the first time since I've had the Busa that I did slow speed manuevers on it. I'm talking parking lot course, tight turns, figure eights, quick stops,swerves. I was very happy with the class and actually impressed myself! My husband took it on his 06' Gixxer and could take tighter corners of course! You all should experience this class on your Busa's. Or any bike!
Congrats!! Once you're comfortable....go and get some track time in.
Ya I need to take that one -- it costs less than the beginners course (I assume cause you tear up YOUR bike if you crash)
Is the cert you get the same/ better/ or not as good as the other course (for ins purposes)
Frankly i'd rather do this stuff on the bike I will be riding and nedding to do this stuff on rather than a beat to snot 250.
Cool screen name... BikerMom......

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Congrats on the course.

Have had the course, didn't complete it on the Busa though, can only imagine doing the S-turn in the box with the Busa and how hard it was. I still practice and use the majority of things I learned in the course so don't dump it...
Congratulations! I'll probably be taking the ERC later this year. The MSF BRC was fun when I took it.
I haven't taken that course yet but we do go to other training classes on a regular basis. I can do all the tight slow-speed maneuvers on the Busa better than any of the other people in the classes but I can't do them for diddly-squat on my wife's Gixxer. I'm sure it's all about your familiarity with your own bike.

Glad you're having fun and even more glad you're still learning new stuff. It's critical that you continue to do so all the time.

I took the course on my 'busa. It was a good experience. the s turn in the box did suck extremely. During the practice runs I did good but on the graded one I did have to put my foot down once. My engine speed had slowed down too much for the clutch to pull me through the last turn. One thing I hated was when we all rode through the weaves in a line. I got behind a cruiser that could ride all day at 5 miles an hour in second
I had to slip my clutch through the entire class basically.  That part sucked  

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Congrats on taking the course. Most folks think that you must have years of experience to take the course. In fact, I think everyone should take it a year or so after their initial course. It is a great refresher as well as provides some great tips on evasive maneuvers that all riders should know. As with Wolfman, I too had some difficulty following the cruisers but it gave me more confidence in my capabilities and showed me that the limitations were really mine and not the bikes. Once again good for you
Took the course last summer on my FZ1. Loved it-learned lots. The figure 8 in the box was the hardest thing for me.