Memorial Day

I'm going to head over to Mt. Cheaha in Alabama today. I'll post some pictures when I get back. The route over there has some nice high-speed sweepers and a lot of nice scenery.
It looks like Rain all weekend #@#$(#*&(@#

i get a 3 day weekend and it looks like rain ........maybe i can get some street time in or the rain will pass by ??

stay safe everyone ! crazy weekend drivers out there especially this weekend ......stay safe !

To what Jace was saying:

Everyone be extra careful this weekend! Pleasant riding to all.
The problem with having 12 million people in the greater L.A. area is everybody and his brother is going to be out this weekend along with about 8 million cops everywhere. I may cruise up Angeles Crest, or I may just stay home and BBQ.
Me, the wifey, and two Honda 600 punks are gonna take the back roads to Annapolis (55 miles of descent twisties) to my boat on Sunday. That is (to paraphrase Jace) if the seessafressin rain will hold out.
I'm gonna terrorize the fish on Memorial day.... ride Saturday, golf Sunday, boat Monday. Memorial day is also my 13th anniv....... can you believe she still puts up with me??!!
Congrats Chris! & rip no you aint old yet... We just passed 21 yrs! Of course I tell everyone I was married when I was 7.
Happy Anniversary guys. Nice pictures Ben if your in the mood a couple of guys from work and myself are heading up to the N. GA mountains in the morning. Sat 5/24
jwcfbd Posted on May 23 2003,6:49
Happy Anniversary guys. Nice pictures Ben if your in the mood a couple of guys from work and myself are heading up to the N. GA mountains in the morning. Sat 5/24 [/QUOTE]

jwcfbd, sorry I missed your post. Didn't see it till noon today. I would have liked to gone but I have to get my other toy ready to play. My 18 foot fish 'n ski rig needs some cleaning and general maintenance. Gonna hit the lake on Sunday.
jwcfbd Posted on May 23 2003,6:49
Happy Anniversary guys.  Nice pictures Ben if your in the mood a couple of guys from work and myself are heading up to the N. GA mountains in the morning. Sat 5/24

jwcfbd, sorry I missed your post.  Didn't see it till noon today.  I would have liked to gone but I have to get my other toy ready to play.  My 18 foot fish 'n ski rig needs some cleaning and general maintenance.  Gonna hit the lake on Sunday.[/QUOTE]
Wish I had thought to post it sooner. We had a blast rode up 129 and cut over to Halen for lunch. Not very many other bikes and really light traffic. Have fun in the boat.
Most of the weeemd is rain here. Only day is today Sunday cloudy and cold no rain. Geezz!!!
Hey Smoked, Stunt show rocked, Bummer abou thte two guys early on, hope they are squared away...Lots of good stuff, REAL hot though, the wife and I left early, probably saw your ride out in the lot.

And the women, Man...Florida has some pretty ones...
If I get the scooter fixed I'll probably head up to Mt. Cheaha. If not, I'll be stuck in the garage fixing her up.