Lost memeber finally found his way home...

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :welcome:
Brother, your story made my morning. So great to hear about your daughter and your new scooter. Welcome back to the oRg!
Glad your back and even happier your lil girl is doing better. Family is what makes it all worth while!
Mucho thanks again! Putting family first is ALWAYS the best thing to do! I've got some great kiddos!
Very happy to be back on a Busa as well:)

Glad to see thinks are going better and you are back on a Busa!!
My 18 year old daughter just had surgery 5 days ago so I totally understand what you've been through! (she's home and doing fine).
Restoring older bikes is really rewarding but also so time consuming, a Busa ride is so much more compacted fun, just takes a few hours and you're ready for the world again.

Anyways, welcome back! Raydog
Welcome home. Glad you came back and I am very happy your daughter is doing well. :beerchug: