Link to Andy's original rant
And now for the new and improved PM from Andy
This was sent to BA BUSA, but he's too chicken to post it up himself
Kidding, just kidding Rich
And now for the new and improved PM from Andy
post this,thanks:
Hey guys and gals,hope all is well. Thanks for doing all this raffle stuff for me. It makes me think we could make
the world a better place fairly easily.Look at the group here on the Org.
There is strength in numbers.I still find it awesome every time we rally to help out our brothers n' sisters.
I know some of the folks are getting a lil' pizzed at me for not graciously accepting your kindness and
generousity. Harsh sentiments have even been written...(translation: They spoke their minds and didn't even swear,
hahaha. They gave it to me with both barrels,for my own good.) I guess I shall to come down off my high hourse. I
can't expect others to sukk it up when I offer to help them,then not accept your fine offers of help.
Doug / AKA The Captain and I have been doing battle like this for a few years now. I believe he is one up on me
now in the dissagreement department. I onced phoned him at 1am.Just for shock value,and to have the edge. hahahaha.
I won that one. He agreed to let us help him,and keep his(and our) site, fast and strong.
Next time we had a major face/face was over Vegas. We argued for days on that one. In the end,I accepted his and
his wifes, one thousand dollar gift (from his own personal funds,not Org. funds). I once tried to talk Doug into
using some donation funds a long time ago ,and taking his awesome wife out to dinner, "On Us".
I guess l lost that one too. He wouldn't do it.He doesn't like to spend donations on anything that won't help out
the membership here. It all goes back into something. Shipping,Paypal fee's,donations back to us,creating
products,the day to day costs,servers,equiptment.The place was started on a server in his basement. Then he
graduated up to a couple servers,Compaq's I think. Can't believe,the place now.Proud to be a part of that. I
remember giving Doug a hard time about "sellin out". Said he was just in it for the t-shirt money. Then,I had to eat
my words. Again. I found what the "year end" profits were for Hayabusa.Org
(Don't tell Doug I've hacked into his accounting program)
"The Man" made $6.oo . Yup,six whole dollars. Six bucks.
And folks think I give alot.NOT. The hours alone he spends running this place.For 5 or 6 years. You can't put a
dollar figure on that.
So the Long(which you just got) and short of it is ...Thanks.
I did tell Doug I was thinking about a new monitor to ease the strain on my fugged-up vision. So I got one with
some of the dough you guys sent me.It just makes things easier to see.Less headaches with it too. I want to thank
you guys for that. I'll post pics,if I ever get posting rights back.ha ha ha. Doug has made the right decission
again. Now I just pop in and return some PM's,its nice and easy going now. The other thing I did was some of the
money was to catch up on my medical payments. It seemed like a great place for it to go. Giant medical bills are not
what I need right now. I have to say a big thank you to the House Mouse.She has held this fam together for 13
months single handly.Long hours,all the krap that goes with running a house.WOW.
Thanks guys. Big thanks. I've been told that my brain re-hab program which was supposed to end in another few
weeks,is to continue for me. A couple folks will be leaving the program early...they are ready to be "re-integrated
back into society". hahahahahahaha....that funny. The rest of the folks will be checking out "on time". Then
there's da Rubb. Ol' Rubb is being "kept after school"...a sort of detention room thing,you might say. Hahahahahaa.
I'm not ready for "re-integration" yet. hahaha. I'm killin' myself here.Anyway...I guess I'm a little bit![]()
more fugged up than the average person with a brain injury. DUH! DOH!
All kiddin'aside. I'll take a break for a bit. Concentrate on one thing.The Re-hab. It means the world to me,some
important things.Like fighting for a car licence,not to even mention a Busa/bike licence. I OWE it to my family to
get better,grow stronger,and provide for my family the best I can. I must return to work.I owe it to you guys
too.The guts of this place.The heart and soul.The Core.There are tons of good folks here,no doubt about it.There are
some thou,that make up the core.15,000 memberships.About 2 or 3 hundred,in the Core.Some of the Ol' boyz,some of the
new ladies,from all walks of life. Some guys so cool,it would be an' honour to PRETEND to be them for a day.Above
and beyound the call of duty.Some would say,I went above and beyound sometimes.Yup.Sometimes good,sometimes not so
good.Thanks for puttin' up with "Brain Boy" for this long.
Genuine priveledge knowing you.
Thanks Cuzz.
I'll be back. haha haha.
Need anything FROM RSD. that or half the planet has my phone number.hahaha.
Daily reports on BV...Pipe...