A very good friend of mine and a real stand-up guy left this country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) this morning on his way back to the USA!!! This is where I will happily praise a positive side of America the beautiful, land of liberty and justice.
Okay patriotism aside lets get to the nitty gritty...
My good friend was arrested two weeks ago to the day.
Charged with criminal assault, grand theft auto and destruction of private property.
All bulls_hit charges fabricated by a corrupt system that allows a pig to be a cop and detective. Facts are the following:
Friend observes colleague outside a club being confronted by a local (drug dealer police friend wannabe badass) person that demands that he move his vehicle over even though he can pass easily. He approaches to observe at which time the aszhat is back in his car and shouts (sta je problem?) "whats the problem". My friend replies, somewhat buz'd (nemam problema sta je tvoj problem) I don't have a problem. To which the guy spits at him and shouts (jebijem ti majka) "fuk your mother"!Then the local gets out of the car with a telescoping baton and proceeds to attack my buddy hitting him once on the arm due to the blocking action and another time grazing his head with the baton. The colleague runs towards the attack, and since they are on the floor already, kicks the local guy square in the mouth. Then the colleague gets the baton and they both start to work some discipline into the punk. He runs off to call his buddy cops and during this moment the colleague gets in the local guy's car to move it out of the way so that they can leave the area. But he goes overboard buy smashing the guy's windshield. My friend does not inflict the damage and he never even touches the car.
They are apprehended and charged with the above counts, but since the colleague is NATO he has immunity from local prosecution and is instead in limbo with military reprisal rumored to be an Article 15.
The detective attempts to frighten the girls in their company and threatens to arrest them, but instead asks for their phone numbers. He then says " I am going to phuk your friend just because I can, and I am going to make him pay". All in all the cost to release him required him to cop to the charges even though he didn't do it and pay a total of around $1500 US without so much as a receipt to get out of lock-up and go home. Now he is stuck with 24 months probation in this country for defending himself.
My question is should this issue be referred by me or one of the ladies to the EUPM (European Union Police Monitor) mission or should we let it die?
I think this was a great injustice and the EUPM would love to flex it's muscle to make sure that it doesn't happen again by vacating the involved people's licenses/appointments and or badges.
What would you do?
I just don't want an act of self-defense by an American tourist to lead to this is the future.
Okay patriotism aside lets get to the nitty gritty...
My good friend was arrested two weeks ago to the day.
Charged with criminal assault, grand theft auto and destruction of private property.
All bulls_hit charges fabricated by a corrupt system that allows a pig to be a cop and detective. Facts are the following:
Friend observes colleague outside a club being confronted by a local (drug dealer police friend wannabe badass) person that demands that he move his vehicle over even though he can pass easily. He approaches to observe at which time the aszhat is back in his car and shouts (sta je problem?) "whats the problem". My friend replies, somewhat buz'd (nemam problema sta je tvoj problem) I don't have a problem. To which the guy spits at him and shouts (jebijem ti majka) "fuk your mother"!Then the local gets out of the car with a telescoping baton and proceeds to attack my buddy hitting him once on the arm due to the blocking action and another time grazing his head with the baton. The colleague runs towards the attack, and since they are on the floor already, kicks the local guy square in the mouth. Then the colleague gets the baton and they both start to work some discipline into the punk. He runs off to call his buddy cops and during this moment the colleague gets in the local guy's car to move it out of the way so that they can leave the area. But he goes overboard buy smashing the guy's windshield. My friend does not inflict the damage and he never even touches the car.
They are apprehended and charged with the above counts, but since the colleague is NATO he has immunity from local prosecution and is instead in limbo with military reprisal rumored to be an Article 15.
The detective attempts to frighten the girls in their company and threatens to arrest them, but instead asks for their phone numbers. He then says " I am going to phuk your friend just because I can, and I am going to make him pay". All in all the cost to release him required him to cop to the charges even though he didn't do it and pay a total of around $1500 US without so much as a receipt to get out of lock-up and go home. Now he is stuck with 24 months probation in this country for defending himself.
My question is should this issue be referred by me or one of the ladies to the EUPM (European Union Police Monitor) mission or should we let it die?
I think this was a great injustice and the EUPM would love to flex it's muscle to make sure that it doesn't happen again by vacating the involved people's licenses/appointments and or badges.
What would you do?
I just don't want an act of self-defense by an American tourist to lead to this is the future.