Heading out with Moondog & USN04limited to make up some ride routes for the Meet-n-Greet next month! Overcast and 85 right now, should be a beautiful ride.
Well, two personal firsts for me today- those of you who don't know, I am a rookie motorcyclist by the way.
Flame on!
My first "first" was dragging a toe on a curve following Jerry and Don around Highway 74 near Harrison, AR close to Eureka Springs. Okay, it's not a knee but felt like I was WAY low laying over at 60 in a 25 MPH curve!
My second one was getting rained on all the way home- nothing like thunderstorm winds blasting you from the side at 45-50 MPH when you're going 70! Luckily I had Frog Togs in the hump and got pulled over to put them on before I got COMPLETELY soaked.
We stopped at the Buffalo River and took some pics, here they are.
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good lord...is that a whole in my haircut? Looks like the back of my head is going bald! Thanks for the heads up there, guys!
We had a great ride, even the storm was cool, very surreal. Only had to loose about 10 mph, those m3's stick like glue even in the water. Shibumi is well on his way to becoming a great rider, very impressive Lucas! And Don? He lost us just before the storm hit at somewhere over 160....that boy was heading for the barn at warp speed! We are going to have some fun allright....
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