whoa dood, you need to slow down a bit!
First off, think about why you got a busa, it's a comfy bike that goes fast! It's not a stunt bike. If you want a stuntbike, get like a 1998 Suzuki GSXR750 for about $5K, got -2 front +4 rear, and trust me, that bike will stunt all day long!
The busa is a NOT a bike for stoppies dood, come on. You've got a longer wheelbase combined with a 500+ bike, trying stoppies on your busa will DEFINTELY cause you to crash, very very quickly.
As far as wheelie, just ride the bike alot, and practice getting on the throttle hard. Get a feel for how much throttle the bike takes to start lifting the wheel, and go from there. You'll start with it getting an inch off the ground, then walking it up to a foot high and etc.
It's not that a busa cant be made into a stuntbike, it's just that there are much cheaper, lighter, and safer bikes to do it on, ie GSXR750, CBR900, ZX900 etc..
I dont know if you've ever come down from a stoppie slightly sideways and had to stick a leg out to save it. If that happens with a busa, you WILL go down, it's just too much weight to hold on to
But then again, if you're asking these questions, you're either a) someone who's not serious b) someone who doesnt know sh*t about stunting and sportbikes c) someone who will be posting pics of their wrecked busa really soon