laser jammer??

Yea i just looked into this further..they make an M27 now just for bikes.. 650 bucks =/ ouch...

ill wait for a bunch of reviews first :p
Yeah, but the hassle...and the points...

Can't have a detector or jammer around here anyway. They'll fry you up for dinner if they catch you with one around here~!~
even at 479$ a ticket is cheaper

One ticket is cheaper. Two tickets in WA will pay for it with about $200 cash in hand left over.

Of course, they can aim the Laser at any part of your body or helmet and still get a reading. They'll just wait to hit you until you are closer.
my issue...i wanna be a cop..and i cant have tickets on my record (will hurt me when im trying to get hired)... ill pay the 500 bucks to help me get into the career i want.. and yes..i could not speed. but really...who goes 60 on the freeway?? (i dont speed, i go 70)
my issue...i wanna be a cop..and i cant have tickets on my record (will hurt me when im trying to get hired)... ill pay the 500 bucks to help me get into the career i want.. and yes..i could not speed. but really...who goes 60 on the freeway?? (i dont speed, i go 70)

Save the money for Genie Muckelstone. She got a 75 in a 60 I got going through Tacoma dismissed for $300. She works miracles even when the LEO can get a reading. As I posted already. If they can't get it off the bike, they will get it off of you. Front or back, they will get some part of you.
my issue...i wanna be a cop..and i cant have tickets on my record (will hurt me when im trying to get hired)... ill pay the 500 bucks to help me get into the career i want.. and yes..i could not speed. but really...who goes 60 on the freeway?? (i dont speed, i go 70)

i am a police officer, and i must say you are thinking clearly.

just wait till you join the blue blanket and speed all you want.....its great knowing you wont go to jail for um..speeding

70 is pretty much the flow of traffic on I-5 in WA. There are only a few places the WSP actively enforces the 60 speed zones for more than 5 over. Just don't be the fastest vehicle on the road.

Coming through certain parts of FL on I-95 is seems traffic wants to go 0-90 0-90 0-90.

My buddy wanted to drive, I gave him the keys and he got up to the flow of traffic and just then it went down to 0, LoL he ran off into the median and passed 3 vehicles before he could stop.

Wasn't exactly funny at the time, but shows how different cities drive when traffic is tight~!~