Killer Whales in captivity...your thoughts?


Donating Member
I don't feel too bad for the "Loved Ones" of the deceased trainers. You take a job where essentially you throw yer azz into the world's largest giant aquarium...???

We're not talking yer home aquarium here were you might be risking a pinky finger as you do the maintainace around your 1 inch piranha.

I love those shows where Man gets his azz handed to him by wild animals.:thumbsup: freakin awesome.

Its fun to watch the killer whales "play with their food".....The Trainers. :laugh:

Seaworld Killer Whale = one.

Seaworld Killer Whale Trainers = zero.:rofl:

"4 out 5 captive killer whales prefere the taste of fresh human to that of stale herring".

A puplic service message brought to you by the same folks that lock up giant killers and train them to do silly tricks for stoopid fat-azzed Florida locals and tourists.

SeaWorld denies 'misleading' claims in Sundance killer whale doc Blackfish | Film |

The latest addition to the pool in Florida.

he's a killer whale with strong convictions. He's a firm believer in that "Stand your Ground Law"

The trainers call him Zimmie.

Anytime we needlessly do to an animal that which we would never tolerate for ourselves or our loved ones, we cannot complain when the animal objects, resists, revolts or GOES MAD! :banghead: :angry:

Putting fish in a tank and "caring" for them is akin to relegating a Hyabusa and rider to a prison cell and expecting expecting a "Thank You". WTF! How many here would stand for it? Not many, I'd bet.

It's the official "Be Kind to Animals Milenium". Maybe humans will give it a try someday. :angry:
Fcukin crap,thats all it is,i don't see any joy nor fun in watching a hunter like the Orca going round in a circle entertaining idiots who condone this shaite.If maybe a couple of the "adult"spectators where killed during the show and sea world sued till they bleed through the ass than maybe we will stop this circus of torture masked as entertainment.I do know/understand that Sea World have some good conservation programs BUT when it comes down to these creatures they should be given an oscar for fcukin ignorance…losers.
Free Willy!

Unless they are found abandoned and a young age and won't survive in the wild, leave them be. I figure the size of the tank them is similar to a jail cell for us. Yeah, you may have a TV, a friend cellie and good food, but its just not the same...
My condolences do go out to family of the trainer.

I am well aware of the damage done by Sea World and the people who capture them.

The Heartbreaking Real-Life Capture of Orcas |

I am not sure what remains of the captures, now I think its just insemination to keep there orca supply going here in the US. Perhaps a new suit and court order preventing that would end the suffering of the Orcas born in captivity, and get these aquariums shut down.

Captive Orca Statistic

Not sure how up to date it is.

Sea World and the Seaquarium are out of buisness as far as capturing, but it seems other nations still allow it. Tormenting Orcas isn't the only thing they do there though, Sea World alone rescues rehabilitate about 150-200 marine animals a year and 70% get healthy enough to return to the wild.

Never the less I can still show some compassion to the family of the trainer left behind. No ill will to the trainer either I see what real evil and malicious people are capable of every time I watch a political debate.
Fcukin crap,thats all it is,i don't see any joy nor fun in watching a hunter like the Orca going round in a circle entertaining idiots who condone this shaite.If maybe a couple of the "adult"spectators where killed during the show and sea world sued till they bleed through the ass than maybe we will stop this circus of torture masked as entertainment.I do know/understand that Sea World have some good conservation programs BUT when it comes down to these creatures they should be given an oscar for fcukin ignorance…losers.

Is it too late to get it sugar-coated? :laugh: