BIGDAWG, I was on da floe laughin at chu. Funny thing is I thought of the cup holder but it just dont work out. HOWEVER, camelbak with the "Straw" works too. Just dont ride long Enuff for it. Awww that was funny.
Ref the time involved. IT spanned over a ride season give or take. I think the indiglows, digigear, and yellow box and painted inners were during last summers ride season. The frame polishing was during last winter after IT FRIGGIN FELL OVA due to kickstand folding up. DO THE MODDDDD!
Actually most of the mods done were due to just cause n effect. Polish frame due to fall over and nick in frame. Exhaust was dented and single aftermarket online was cheaper than a stock can.
Stator cover replaced due to same fall over. I hit a deer last season so that caused the inners to get painted and other minor work (mirrors). Had to buy bar ends from fall over. Indiglows worked out by trade. Front fender broke right after I bought a disk lock for myrtle last year. Backed it off the trailer and put the lock thru the fender. Rear hugger from trade. Screens to cheap to worry about. Tranny, cams, and engine work due to rydin da hell out of it and bending the shift forks cause I cant shift well according to Suzuki.
Now dont get me wrong, $$ was spent but other than the rims, the chroming etc came after the mods got started, most of the work was from something else forcing my hand. I swore I wasnt going to change it.
Thanks for the comps. Just took my time and did little by little here and there. Most of the ideas were taken from the members of the boards. I know the mod list looks impressive or LONG but if you look at most of the bikes on the site and list "EACH" mod/thing they have done it's probably equally as long or better. "TURBO" = everything on the list.