Just a question for all you gas guzzlers.


Take this Jerry, you silly little rodent
Donating Member
Hey guys/gals.

Since I did not got the turbo route I am looking more into the nitrous route. I just like the fact that you don't have to run it all the time and you can still ride your bike like you did when it wasn't installed with the system unarmed.

Anyways, back to the question. When you guys are spraying does it make your bike sound any different?? Or do you hear the shot of the gas?? I know, dumb question, but I have never dealt with nitrous before. Just blown(supercharged) cars.

Thanks for the help guys.

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I personally don't notice any difference in sound except that everything happens faster (I guess that's obvious).

With a 50 shot it pulls 6th gear as hard as it pulled 4th stock.  With 16/42 gearing I'm against the limiter in 6th in what seems like an instant.  In fact, the bike feels like a slug now when I don't spray.
It just sounds like you have about a half more turn on the throttle. With a progressive controller it is subtle but noticeable. If you run an airshifter you will notice a pop followed by a small flame out of the tailpipe when you shift.
There is a pitch change with the motor gaining revs so much more quickly. Some can hear it from a mile away....others can't.
its like its on CRACK!!

I would say and load roar when the button is pressed!!!

Honest I wasnt spraying!!!!!!