Introducing myself


Hi guys and gals. I have been around this board for over a year now :type: Well this is def the best hayabusa site I have ever found.

background: Um Im 19 and a first semester student at Berklee College of Music in Boston MA. I grew up west of Cleveland OH. I don't have a busa yet :super: but it is my absolute favorite bike. I have been riding since I was 16 and I have my full endorsement.
I dont have a bike right now, but i think i am picking up at Christmas a late 70's Kawi 3 cylinder 2 stroke street bike :super:
My best friend just bought a 97 ZX-6R, its his first bike so i am excited to start riding as a group of friends. someday we will both have our busa's, but until then we can dream.

Lastly I have to say hi to all the people on here u guys are all great. Revlis and BulletTrain you guys are awesome. Ninja Eater yer the man, I some day will have a busa on boost too :bowdown: . And I have to say whats up to Stunnah because I love his new 6 inch stretch. absolutly perfect length. I hope no one acuses me of tryin to suck up because im a newbie, its just that I have been folowing this site a few times a day for months now. well i look forward to getting to know you guys better. thanks.
Kazzin :newbie:
sorry I almost forgot...

I also have to say hi to Captain, W/ out you man none of this would be here. you the man..

Welcome to the board (officially now).

Show us some pics. You can even show the dirt bike. :)
Glad you joined us. Hope you enjoy the board and sooner, rather than later, get that 'Busa! It's the bomb!

Heh, Roller coaster... Sorta like the scary assed coasters You find at the County Fair...May not be the biggest, or the fastest, but by golly it's plenty interesting cause you just do not know whats going to happen every time you climb aboard.

Welcome to the board man. Watch them two-stroke tripples, I have heard they can be pretty hairy. Lots of power, skinny tires, small brakes. Should be a kick in the ass!!! Heck it could even be a classic...
thanks guys, for makin me feel welcome.

actually I havent even seen the bike yet. my cousin has a friend everyone calls "slow joe", he is a bit of an odd ball but a master bike tuner and builder. (he put a liter bike motor,I pretty sure GSXR 1000, in a quad and then put turn signals and street tires on it, its stupid fast lol)
but he has that kawi and i guess they are i really fast for what they are. My dad told me they are cool bikes. its a 600 cc 3 cylinder kawi steet bike 2 stroker. i guess in great shape. for $500. :super:

so when im home for xmas im gonna go look at it and prob buy it. sounds very interesting. Ill show pics, have no fear.....
Welcome aboard Kazzin, you're from my neck of the woods. I'm about an 1hour 45 minutes from Cleveland. I used to work in Mentor.

Are you coming back to see the bike show at the IX Center? I go every year, it's a great time.

Study hard and ride safe.
actually I havent even seen the bike yet. my cousin has a friend everyone calls "slow joe", he is a bit of an odd ball but a master bike tuner and builder. (he put a liter bike motor,I pretty sure GSXR 1000, in a quad and then put turn signals and street tires on it, its stupid fast lol)
hehehe, crazy! :)

Welcome to the board :)
whats up Bike382, yeah ur from sandusky. thats sweet. i spent alot of my childhood up there. We had a cottage at lakeside on marblehead by Catawba island. we also went to east harbor state park all the time. I also have had a season pass to ceder point :super: for years. The best amusement park in the world hands down :bowdown: haha. I actually live in Elyria which is 25 miles west of cleveland.

I dont know abt the bike show, when is it? Boston is a little far away from C-town. ;) but i will be at Quaker Steak and lube bike night every wed in the summer. its right off of 90 prob 40 mins from u. its way cool. we get over 6000 bikes there atleast a few nights out of the summer. you should check it out. sometimes there are alot of busa's some none.

yeah my cousin went over 100 mph on that quad :beerchug:
the guy made fun of him when he came back because he didnt top it out. :crazy: i cant wait to ride that thing.

thanks guys

Welcome to the pleasure dome... In Xanadu ... Ah, forget it.

Anyway, buy a shirt.

And, make sure you drop in on the 3 page long BusaGirl epic... It is a riot!
Heres the bike show link Cleveland Bike Show

I rode the new Dragster at Cedar Point this fall. We went during Halloweekend, and it scared the shat out of my wife. Completely cool.

Actually I am from Upper Sandusky about 1 hour 15 min south of Sandusky. Doesn't make any sense to me why Upper Sandusky is south of Sandusky buy hey, it's Ohio.

Ride safe,
Welcome, Kazzin. I noticed I wasn't on your 'cool' list.

,,guess I'll have to butter up to more peeps. :D
yeah Cap thats where tommy boy is from. great movie. way to funny. sandusky is a pretty cool town. best part is ceder point.
my bad, i thought upper sandusky would be like on the like if not in the lake. lol

oh well thanks tho for the info on the bike show...

sorry cookie,

you know i love ya man. i was just shoutin out to the names i could remember off the top of my head. remember i do go to Berklee here, us musician types arent to smart all the time

oh well look forward to bsing w/ all u guys.

yeah that bike sounds like a blast. could be real scarry fun. :super:

the tire will be a bit small, so ill have to be real careful comin out of corners :eek: dont really want a tank slapper!!

(maybe i can do the 250 conversion on that, what ya guys think?
thats wider than my 4runner tyres lol) peace

right on cookie!

this school is nuts. All u do is music all day long, it makes u crazy.
I play bass and i really only study Jazz right now. So my mind is numb when i go to bed every night.

ive never heard that before "bezerklee" thats funny. totally right on tho.
