Interest in a traveling cookie jar?

OK, I guess we are going to do this. FlatlandBusa PMed me that he is interested. I will start this off this weekend. I will get a "jar", notebook and thumbdrive.
List Starts like this.
Lurch=> FlatlandBusa. Viper please PM FlatlandBusa your shipping info and he will add you to the list.
If you want in on this, message the last person on the list your info, they will update the list with your name and so on.
If someone remembers or has a better way I am all ears.
My family sold "beanie babies" a few years ago raising money for an infant rescue center in Miami started by my folks and named for my Mom and at any time there would be 240 infants under close medical care. I mention this only to explain the connection to the Beanies. Anyway one year we got a little larger than usual Beanie and sent it around the world to fans of Beanies under a banner of "Blackie travels" and people would take pictures and post them to the cite with a description of what they did with their "guest" that day then send it to another host. The thing went to a dozen + countries and went many, many homes. This struck me as similar to the cookie deal without the e-coli or indigestion risks. ;<)
My family sold "beanie babies" a few years ago raising money for an infant rescue center in Miami started by my folks and named for my Mom and at any time there would be 240 infants under close medical care. I mention this only to explain the connection to the Beanies. Anyway one year we got a little larger than usual Beanie and sent it around the world to fans of Beanies under a banner of "Blackie travels" and people would take pictures and post them to the cite with a description of what they did with their "guest" that day then send it to another host. The thing went to a dozen + countries and went many, many homes. This struck me as similar to the cookie deal without the e-coli or indigestion risks. ;<)
We have done cookies, Toasters. There was also a FLAT VABusa also
I just spoke with my wife and she said she would be glad to bake up a batch for this. It looks like Viper is going to be getting them.