Installing new chain

Mikey D

Kind of a misleading discription as I am convinced that riviting is the way to go on this bike.  In the past (CB450SC, KZ700, GSX750R) I have repaced the rivet on master with a clip type master figuring that it was plenty strong enough.  Never had any master link failures in the past.

On the big, beautiful Busa I am concerned that the clip type will not be enough.  I can pick up a rivet tool for around $70.00 but I am wondering if anyone out there has ever done this at home.  I teach Auto shop so mechanical things are not a problem for me.  Also, the cost of the tool will probably pay for itself as compared to having my local high $ shop install it for me.

BTW - I am going to go with an RK GXW-530 as it seems to be the strongest one out there. (rated for bikes up to 1400cc) And and I have had good luck with RK chains in the past.

Any hints on the chain selection would also be appreciated.
Yes, please Rivit, I have read some insane chain stories here at .org....
Busa is way too powerful to mess around with a clip masterlink..
Ive personally run clip style masters on all my bikes and have never had a problem but I always silicone the clip in place. But on all my buddies bikes I try to use the rivit type, and have never had a problem so i guess its up to you and your mantiance schedule. I personally lube my chain after every pass at the track and on my other bike i clean and relube the chain after every ride. I guess you could call me kinda anal about it but I do have a nice big scar on my leg from a pos stock chain.

I don't have enough experience with chains yet to know whether to rivet or clip (rivet seems better), but I can tell you that when I converted my Softail to chain drive (part of the mods to accomodate a 180 tire in the stock swingarm), I used one of the RK X-ring chains. Sorry, can't remember which one exactly, but it's a 530. Before you roll your eyes and laugh, my Softail has an S&S 100" (1639cc) engine, and can lift the front tire of that long heavy beast on a "hard launch" with stock gearing. The busa has redefined "hard launch" for me, but you get the picture. 630 pounds, 67" wheelbase, it ain't light. I've only needed to adjust the tension once, and I have around 1500 miles on the chain.
I don't have enough experience with chains yet to know whether to rivet or clip (rivet seems better), but I can tell you that when I converted my Softail to chain drive (part of the mods to accomodate a 180 tire in the stock swingarm), I used one of the RK X-ring chains.  Sorry, can't remember which one exactly, but it's a 530.  Before you roll your eyes and laugh, my Softail has an S&S 100" (1639cc) engine, and can lift the front tire of that long heavy beast on a "hard launch" with stock gearing.  The busa has redefined "hard launch" for me, but you get the picture.  630 pounds, 67" wheelbase, it ain't light.  I've only needed to adjust the tension once, and I have around 1500 miles on the chain.
Thank you, not many responses on this one but RK here we come!