I'm thinking of buying a Busa....Question

Thanks Guys. I really appreciate the input. I feel alot more comfortable about getting the bike. Gonna try and check it out tomorrow.

I have an 09 and have never had an issue. I'm not sure about the Gen I's but I don't believe the Gen II's have any over heating issues.
Thanks Takeuon. Does your bike take a couple more turns of the starter to start after you've rode for a while?

I have ridden for hours, and in Hot and Go traffic and never noticed the bike taking more than normal to start. Are you talking about a sec or many secs?
I have a Gen II '09.

Every now and then it does seem to take another hit of the starter, but not often, and not just when hot.

i have an 08, and yes in traffic the fans will kick on but once they do it never gets any hotter, it is normal operation, very common. I do believe the gen 1's (99-07) only have one fan to aid in cooling the engine, but i've never heard of it resulting in any type of damage from the engine getting to hot. I know on the gen 1's you can add another fan to help. Are you worried it'll get to hot and damage something?? These are great machines, don't let the rumors sway you from getting the busa...hope this helps..I know others will respond with their input and experience shortly.

+1 extremely traffic my gets hot second fan upgrade should be ok. haven't done the mod cause I overheat before the bike :laugh:
Ive got a genI 04
My fan will kick it at a stop once in a while,,but where i live thats only to get off the bike to let it in the garage[ Truth],,there isnt any traffic in NM we have 30 miles straight aways where you wont even see a car,,,,,,,I like the open road,,but what ive found,,if the fan does kick on and I shut it off,,it will start immediately,,,I also believe that changeing the oil on a regular basis has a lot to do with hard starts after getting hot,,[ no vecosity left and the metal [ pistons swell],,,,alot of guys are running synthetic,,im running conventional oil,I dump my oil every 1000 or less miles,,,,,But dont wig out,,,Im not wasteing anything,,,Ive had the bike 6 yrs,,with 8700 miles,,so thats aroundn 1200 miles a yr,,so i dump it every 6 months,,no matter how many miles,,,better to be saafe than sorry,,and its a high rev motor too,so the vecosity is gonna to leave b4 3000 miles anyway,,,,,,
Gen 1's do overheat in extended traffic, depending on the situation. Gen 2's are fine, that's why they added a second fan.
On the Gen 1 bikes there are a couple of cheap fixes. A fan switch relocator (got mine from RCC) I also added a manual switch for the fan.
GIXRHP actually makes a second fan that can me added to the Gen 1 bikes as well
Thanks Andy. I haven't even gotten my Busa yet and you guys already make me feel welcome. I've only been a member of this site for about 20 minutes and I think it's great!!!


This site is great. The people are nice as hell. I had just gotten my busa and it came with no owners manual. A member volunteered to send me one and wouldn't even let me pay for postage. My Bike tipped over one afternoon and busted the clutch lever and 3 people offered me a replacement. There's no bickering or childish nonsense. I enjoy this site. :beerchug:
:welcome: and even just the muzzy fan mod will cool it a bit more and help with "hotter" days
My 06 starts good whether it's hot or cold. I've never really sat around in slow traffic to see if it would overheat. I don't think you have anything to worry about, you'll love the Busa..!! :thumbsup:
My Gen 1 has never ran hot, however, I had the idle set a little high in Florida and it almost touched the red, I shut it off first. I turned my idle to the high side of the recommended range (1100 rpm) and in traffic it will get 3/4 but would not move any further. I still didn't like that so now I have it set between 850 and 950 rpm it will never go past half way. The only down side is when it cold if the throttle assist is not on it will not idle until it gets to operating temperature.

However, the Gen 2's have 2 fans and this is probably not a problem for them. :thumbsup:
welcome aboard. i have an 07 and its had some starting problems in the hot weather. i have an AH exhaust that produces too much heat but i plan on taping that up.
Yup, in stop'n go traffic on hot days it feels like a blow torch on the right calf but once you get going the feeling dissipates right quick.

:laugh:That's the catalytic convertor on the gen2, it'll cook your feet and legs. Get rid of it with a full exhaust, or gut it, the heat differnce is night and day.
Yep, it's normal. I was stopped in traffic today in the rain and my mirrors started to fog up due to the steam coming off my pipes. Fan keeps it cool though
I do remember more than a few people talking about their Gen 1's over heating. Pretty easy/cheap fixes though. I never had mine over heat (God, I'm afraid of writing this. You know what will happen now.), and have been in +100 degree weather a few times, but not in traffic jams that lasted that long. I myself can't take it, and hit the shoulder till the next exit, and find another way.
a friend used my 01 down in padre island during spring break and told me it was overheating, but that's parade-type traffic like someone else said. i put 8500 miles on it with normal stop & go and it never over-heated any other time.
My Busa runs a lot cooler than other sportbikes I have owned in the past...