How not to handle IED's

those werent americans right? that should be common non training sense to not have any more handling it than needed
 those werent americans right?  that should be common non training sense to not have any more handling it than needed
I am pretty sure they were not Americans, I think they were some kind of volunteers. You hear one guy state there they didn't think there were any coalition injuries. And our guys are pretty well trained in regards to IED's and I cant see any American forces huddled around an IED trying to dig it out with an AK-47, which by the way is another hint it wasn't American forces, I believe the guy talking said the one guy was trying to dig it out with the barrel of an AK-47, we don't use those (normally).

Regardless, they were trying to dig up enemy IED's that kill innocent people and Coalition forces, in that regards it was a sad thing in my opinion
Please tell me those weren't American soldiers...meaning please tell me they are better trained and smarter than that.

Okay, heard they were volunteer coalition so likely not Americans. Why would anyone let someone do that.

How about the poor soul who walked up late right before it went off?

Actually not a bad way to go. No pain , fear or time to think about it.
Thought they said "Friendly Militia" ? certainly not very darn bright....
One minute you're jacking around with an IED, probably minute you're pushing up daisies. Not good.

WOW. That's unbelievable.

Why would they dig it out anyway? I would think they would just blow it right there from a safe distance.. Tragic
I was stationed at the EOD school for the last 4 years and those definitely weren't our guys. There is much more professionalism then that and better procedures.