bus luster
Hey everyone, great site with lot of great information! Anyway I have been riding for about 5 years and have had three different bikes (a couple 600's and most recently a 2000 suzuki sv650s). I have taken a track class with certified instructors (what a blast!!), and am 28 years old. The bus is my pick for a next bike for it's sleek sexy body, powerful motor, and humane ergonomics (as compared to the R1, gsxr1000, etc.) and its two up touring capabilities. I have read and re-read every shread of info on the busa I have been able to get my hands on, and the more I learn the more I respect this amazing machine.
Do you think I am ready?
BTW: I am 5'8" and 160 lbs.
How much do you all pay for insurance premiums?
Thanks I will be crusing the site until I get mine in April '04 (I hope)
Do you think I am ready?
BTW: I am 5'8" and 160 lbs.
How much do you all pay for insurance premiums?
Thanks I will be crusing the site until I get mine in April '04 (I hope)