Hope everyone's Holidays were nice


Was just wondering what everyone got for Christmas? I myself got new pilots for the Busa....and some clothes. Who got a really cool or unique gift?
Well Cousin Higg, I had a pretty good Christmas. Nothin' special, but I finally got my digital camera for my birthday on Sunday (Jan. 5th). How was your Christmas? Hope you got everything you wanted, and more. Anyway, most of my gifts were gifts from:ME to: ME. Busa is out being chromed as we speak. Should be getting my painted mirrors back from Gixx1300 this week. Also, adding some personal touches. Trust me...the entrance will be a grand one.

BTW Higg,

How is Brian and his family doing? Hope all is going well.

Thanks Higg. Hope you had a good one too. I got a winter riding suit.
Well you all know my holidays weren't for #!@$...Spent Xmas nite at the E.R. and I've been going to the doctor seems like every other day...Have an appointment with a specialist today...I think their going to cut my #@!...Other than that all is well...