High Speed Tickets to Jail

It is definetely apparent that you don't want to drink and ride a bike... bad combo and ask'n for trouble...
I had a cousin try driving an older FZR600 while estimate BAC was .18 to .20. He lost it at about 70 on a wide, easy curve, went over the bars and face-planted without a helmet.

My uncle, an Ears/Nose/Throat surgeon, got a page from the family when it happened and met the ambulance at the hospital. He sat back at first and let the ER doc do his thing, but my cousin's facial and neck structures were so shattered that th ER doc kept failing when trying to get the tube down his throat. My uncle finally politely stepped in and took over once my cousin's pupils began to show signs that there wasn't any more time for failed tries. He was inches from death, and had my uncle not been there, he probably WOULD have been.

He spent a total of 4 months in the hospital, including rehab. He eventually had to declare bankruptcy due to all the medical bills without insurance, let alone all the court/law impacts.

Was it worth it? Driving drunk is bad enough in a car. On a bike, where coordination is so much more necessary, the likelihood of fatality increases 5-fold.
Boys boys boys.......when will they ever learn. According to
the National highway transportation saftey board....43% of all motorcycle accidents involve alcohol on the part of the bike rider. When I read this stat I was floored....I can understand drinking a beer or so and getting into a car....but a motorcycle. Rubbersidedown is right....these guys that have alcohol in their need CAT scans of their heads!!!

By the way....you bigger gentleman out there that claim you can have a few beers and not have it effect you....this is a total lie....it will still change your judgement and reaction time. And on a busa, .001 seconds could mean the difference between life and meeting your creator!

Be careful.
That really was a friend(not me), but I knew him in Louisana. Those are all the stories about him. But I met another dude in Daytona Beach. I'll start a thread on him soon. Also I'm in Santa Monica now, so I be on the lookout for the next brainless on bike guy. Their fun to watch.
I will offer this: not an arrest, but a nasty fatality from speed...

1994: A 36-year-old junior executive of a respected Indiana drug company buys a new V-Max After owning it for a month, he begins giving in to the dark side of the speed force. On a paved county road, he reaches speed well in excess of 100mph. Unfortunately for him, just over a gradual but definate dip in the road, a 58 year old grandmother of 4 had begun pulling her 1983 Cavalier out of the driveway of her old former-farmhouse when the engine died (again), leaving her halfway out the driveway. She gets out of the car and steps back to decide whether to attempt pushing it back in or to go get her husband on the phone to come take care of it.

Before she has time to do anything (about 15 seconds after getting out of the car)...Mr. Junio Exec comes cresting over the ever-so-slight hill. He does not have any way of avoiding this obstacle due to his high speed. The front wheel impacts at approximately the rear door handle region, broadside of the car. The bike and rider had enough mass and kinetic energy that they literally *almost* completely severed the car in half as if it were butter cut with a hot knife. The main carcass of the driver is found across the street and downrange from the lady's house, but other body extremities were located upwards of 50 yards away from the main carcass. The right foot was stuck in the torn metal , severed just above the ankle, dangling like a rear-view-mirror trinket. He was not wearing a helmet, as if that would have mattered (except maybe to allow an open-casket ceremony).