Help with cracked '11 gas cap mount


Hi all,
Was doing some work on my bike and cracked the metal housing the gas cap is mounted to.
Attached a couple of pics.

Anyone have an idea how to repair, or even better, a used one they wanna sell or donate to a worthy cause? :please:


What the hell where you doing??
Jb weld or something of the sort, or replace it!
Did you drop it? WOW. I'd replace it with a Vortex V3 keyless.

I have the earlier blows. It blows gas and fumes whenever you open it. I may try the v3 but I'll read some reviews first.

brumanchu,all you need is the outer ring,can't be that much to order,or find a used one. I would give you mine,but I'm not sold on the aftermarket ones yet.

Yea, dropped something on it, hit it right in that thin web and cracked through.
I plan on heating it up, tap it back flat, then use the JB weld to bond it back together. A little dremmel work and it'll be smooth again. Sending out for powder coat anyways.

Thanks for all the replies. Looking for a used one in case plan A doesn't yield the results I want.
I have the earlier blows. It blows gas and fumes whenever you open it. I may try the v3 but I'll read some reviews first.

brumanchu,all you need is the outer ring,can't be that much to order,or find a used one. I would give you mine,but I'm not sold on the aftermarket ones yet.


I have the V3 Rub and way better than the earlier Vortex(had one of those on my last Busa and a PITA with all those fine threads,the V3 only has about 4 or 5 threads).:beerchug: