helmet sizing problem


So, I purchased my first helmet; My old one came with the bike and was pretty beat up. I probably shouldn't have used it for so long and when I could afford it, I rushed out and bought a Scorpion EXO-400. It looked great, was priced great, felt great in the store but when I rode with it for more than 30 minutes, I got the dreaded hot spot. :banghead:

Well, I researched as best I can and searched for the forums and couldn't find an answer so I came to ask you guys.

If I take my helmet foam and sand it down by a 1/16th or 1/8th of an inch to make it fit comfortably for long distances, am I seriously compromising the helmet? Basically, I'm trying to make a cheapo helmet fit because it's all I can afford. Times are tough and I'm unemployed so buying a new one is not preferred but I wont ride unless its safe. What do you guys think?

I've already sanded it down a tiny amount and managed to make it fit a bit better, but I'd need to trim down on the sides as well as the front a bit more to make it bearable for the 10 hour days to Sturgis.

Also, before people get all uppity about my common newbie mistakes, just remember that I'm a newbie. still learning.
does your current helmet have the option of swapping out cheek pads? not too sure how the integrity of the helmet will be affected by sanding it down though. BTW, welcome!
The cheek pads don't come out, but they've already conformed and fit comfortably. Its the forehead that kills me. It hurts so bad that sometimes I have to stop or raise the helmet up so my view is somewhat obstructed. I couldn't imagine riding 10 hour days like this. It's very distracting.

Also, thanks for the welcome and reply.
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looks like sanding the foam has been tried by others w/o issues (below is one of a few hits from Google):
www.BurgmanUSA.com • View topic - Huge Head...modify helmet foam?

wow great, i thought i searched well enough but clearly neglected a certain phrase. thanks for taking the time to do that. this is all good food for though and next time, i'll clearly spend more time and money into purchasing a better fitting helmet but now it looks like i can safely sand a small amount down.

here's to hoping that if i do ever fall, i don't hit that spot on front of the helmet hard enough to find out that my sanding make the helmet unsafe. :beerchug:
When I get it . Currently ride bmw k1200lt. going to trade in for the hayabusa after I get back from Sturgis. started reading the threads here and got hooked.

best of luck with finding your Busa. Gen I or Gen II?

Suzuki just announced it is releasing the 2011 soon (no 2010 in USA except Hawaii) which is essenitally the same color schemes that the rest of the world got as a 2010 model