Health Care

Those are rare cases of underlaying issues or causes. Its the same with certain type of cancers for example- Totally healthy people suddenly get it. Its genetic and nothing you can do about it sadly!

Yep, sadly one never does...I live for the day now....I'm still cautious about what I do but if I want to have a piece of pie or something for instance, I just have it..
It sure makes a difference if you've been active...

I had a very good friend of mine drop dead during a Terry Fox run a few years ago...he was extremely fit, ran and biked all the time, hung out in the weight room with me. He didn't smoke or drink very much, never used any drugs prescription or otherwise and was very even tempered...

Made me really paranoid about if I was doing everything I could be healthy.

One never knows...
I don't think athletes necessarily live longer. They just enjoy a different quality of life, as a healthy body is a healthy mind.
Yep, the key is not to lose muscle mass and build fat. The mind and the body is a powerful machine. One can teach it to do 100 miles on a bicycle in 5 hours without going too hard, or one can teach it to drink a case of beer every day. It adapts. It's all about choices.
I agree 100 percent.

A patient of mine she is 87 years old. She looks like in her late 50s.
One day I asked her what her secret is to look so young and healthy since I knew her age. First she was absolutely flattered and smiled over both ears. She told me that it is very simple.
She eats oatmeal every morning her whole life, she never smoked and drank always in moderation and tried to eat healthy. But MOSTLY she said is, being happy. Live and enjoy your life and dont stress over the little things.

Something to definitely think about!
I don't think athletes necessarily live longer. They just enjoy a different quality of life, as a healthy body is a healthy mind.
True that....being an ex-soldier I lived a culture of staying I shape for both endurance and rapid muscle movements.

I think this kept me strong physically and mentally although I couldn't identify with my mental illnesses at the time, it wasn't until I retired that I was able to concentrate on getting help for those.
Those are rare cases of underlaying issues or causes. Its the same with certain type of cancers for example- Totally healthy people suddenly get it. Its genetic and nothing you can do about it sadly!

Not always a case of an underlying ailment. Sudden cardiac death comes out of nowhere with no real reason. It's only in the recent past that we've been able to detect an abnormal heart rhythm associated with sudden cardiac death. I also don't necessarily believe completely in genetic predisposition.

We know smoking can lead to serious health problems as well as drinking. On the flip side, people every day die of lung cancer and liver failure having never smoked or drank in their life.
Not always a case of an underlying ailment. Sudden cardiac death comes out of nowhere with no real reason. It's only in the recent past that we've been able to detect an abnormal heart rhythm associated with sudden cardiac death. I also don't necessarily believe completely in genetic predisposition.

We know smoking can lead to serious health problems as well as drinking. On the flip side, people every day die of lung cancer and liver failure having never smoked or drank in their life.

Yes thank you, I worded it poorly. My statement about genetics went hand in hand with sometimes underlaying issues.In both cases( sudden death and certain types of cancer.)
58 here, never broken a bone, still have my tonsils and appendix. Maybe take aspirin once, twice a year for that rare headache. Have not been to a medical doctor in over 15 years. Only use them to get stitches for occasional oops. Only take Amoxicillin when really sick and get that from the pet store, no doctors. Fish Mox Forte is same stuff that humans get just different package and no prescription needed. Carrying a few extra pounds due to the sedimentary nature of my job but hope to motivate myself back into a fitness regime at the start of the year. Purchased a Water rower to accomplish those goals.
58 here, never broken a bone, still have my tonsils and appendix. Maybe take aspirin once, twice a year for that rare headache. Have not been to a medical doctor in over 15 years. Only use them to get stitches for occasional oops. Only take Amoxicillin when really sick and get that from the pet store, no doctors. Fish Mox Forte is same stuff that humans get just different package and no prescription needed. Carrying a few extra pounds due to the sedimentary nature of my job but hope to motivate myself back into a fitness regime at the start of the year. Purchased a Water rower to accomplish those goals.
You buy antibiotics from the fish store... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :super: :super: :super:
check any pill identifier site, its same as the doctors prescribe
Hi 70 I just take BP meds. I use DSMO for some joint pain from the feed and grain store. I was stabed in my right hand in combat and shot in the back in Nam. I have broken 33 bones some 3 times finger and toes do not count. I walk 12000 steps a day. On a good day my back feels like a sprained ankle. The Dr said I have PTSD I tied the meds = ZOMBIE I stop them very quick. My 39 year old girl friend helps keep me young too. She does not want me to race the bike. If it comes down to her or the bike it will be the bike. Same thing happened with my wife she did not want me racing the F5000 Lola I picked the Lola. I had never thought I would live longer than her, she passed away this summer.
check any pill identifier site, its same as the doctors prescribe
Hi 70 I just take BP meds. I use DSMO for some joint pain from the feed and grain store. I was stabed in my right hand in hand to hand combat and shot in the back in Nam. I have broken 33 bones some 3 times finger and toes do not count. I walk 12000 steps a day. On a good day my back feels like a sprained ankle. The Dr said I have PTSD I tied the meds = ZOMBEE I quit them very fast. My 39 year old girl friend helps keep me young too. We have been together 1 1/2 years now. Now she has stated to give crap about all the bike parts in the bedroom and she does not want me to race the bike she thinks I wiil get hurt. Well if it comes down to her or the bike it will be the bike. [hope she does not read this] After got racing the F5000 Lola my wife to stop racing[ long story] she left when I keep racing. I never thought I would out live her. She passed away this summer.
I see doctors often as mange to get hurt to often. No meds ,but take 1 to 1.5 benadryl every night to sleep solid. If I don't I'll lay in bed thinking about motorcycles , sex , work , and what titanium part to buy .

Joe on the hernia mine was repaired in 2000 with mylar. It was not one of the recall cases. I've had no issues. My doctor gave me a very thorough exam in September this year as I had concerns about it. You should get it done Joe . Little tip go on a soup diet two or three days before surgery.

I have to pass healthy measures every two years for our insurance company discount.
Blood work ,physical, pee test ,blood pressure.
Not always a case of an underlying ailment. Sudden cardiac death comes out of nowhere with no real reason. It's only in the recent past that we've been able to detect an abnormal heart rhythm associated with sudden cardiac death. I also don't necessarily believe completely in genetic predisposition.

We know smoking can lead to serious health problems as well as drinking. On the flip side, people every day die of lung cancer and liver failure having never smoked or drank in their life.
Had this happen to a brother-in-law a few years ago.
I see doctors often as mange to get hurt to often. No meds ,but take 1 to 1.5 benadryl every night to sleep solid. If I don't I'll lay in bed thinking about motorcycles , sex , work , and what titanium part to buy .

Joe on the hernia mine was repaired in 2000 with mylar. It was not one of the recall cases. I've had no issues. My doctor gave me a very thorough exam in September this year as I had concerns about it. You should get it done Joe . Little tip go on a soup diet two or three days before surgery.

I have to pass healthy measures every two years for our insurance company discount.
Blood work ,physical, pee test ,blood pressure.

I just hate going to doctors. I have one on the left side. The belt is comfortable and really helps. Otherwise I would have had to get the surgery by now. I used to be in pain riding my bike. I have had it for about 3-4 years now.

These days you can catch a deadly bug just going to the hospital. Thanks for the tip.

Be carful people I know a guy in his 30's that had a double hernia from lift a trailer on a hitch.
These days you can catch a deadly bug just going to the hospital. Thanks for the tip.

My wife caught cdiff from the hospital on her 1st surgery. Other surgeries followed shortly which allowed her to keep getting it to the tune of 4times in a year. Finally the medicine on our end was 1000 a round to find it was resistant. Had to have a transplant to get healthy.
No medications ,
but take 1 to 1.5 benadryl
every night to sleep solid .


#BenadrylBrainWarning ~ #RiskOfDementia ~ #SideAffects ~ #THEoRg *

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