Hey folks... Well we felt it was time to get a dedicated line for Hayabusa.org. You can now call busa-captain using skype for free if you have a computer, headset and Internet access, just go and download skype and call me if you need something. If you don't have skype you can call 405-381-8567 and get me if I am online or you can leave a message...
Please let me know what you think about this.. If your online please go get skype, it's free and super easy to set up.....
I have unlimited outbound call ability now so if you dont want to call me just PM me or send me an email with your request and phone number and I will call you back as soon as time permits...
Please let me know what you think about this.. If your online please go get skype, it's free and super easy to set up.....
I have unlimited outbound call ability now so if you dont want to call me just PM me or send me an email with your request and phone number and I will call you back as soon as time permits...
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