Haya in the Hills

Got home 20 minutes ago!
It was great to see everyone again, as well as meet a few new people!

Since this was most likely the last appearance of the Dragon bike, Bring on the New Yellow 2013!
YES!!! HOT TUB!! lol

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here are some more pics of the lodge and deer we saw. and folks coming in

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so then we decided to hit the pool on thursday night while waiting for everyone show and ...drink!!

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wow...that pic with matt at the docksiders...looks like he got a taste of something bad...lol second one up from the bottom
Well I had a great time!!!! Thanks to Chris and his family who spent so much time and effort to put this all together and made it a wonderful time for all!!!!!
It was great to meet so many new people and put some faces to screen names!
next morning we all start wakening up and discussing about our ride ahead

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after a spirited jaunt down rt 666 we stopped to pick up tee shirts at the shop at the end of the run. not quite the dragon but allot more twisties and ups and downs than most of the riders had experienced before.

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still on fridays ride...after rt 666 we headed up past kinzu dam and ate at docksiders

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