gps for my bike


what is the gps that i see everyone talking about. i want it to determine how fast i can go being that the speedo isnt too accurate. i want to know what model to get and where is the cheapest place to get it.
I use a Garmin Emap, it has the U.S Interstate system and State roads loaded onto it. You can pick one up off Ebay for around $110 or so. It's always with me on my weekend rides to save points of interest, track speed and mileage, etc....
Wal mart/ Target/ Kmart/ Circuit City/ Best Buy/ Radio Shack
These places usually carry both Garmin & magellan GPSs.

I mounted a Garmin V on mine.  It has autorouting, off-route calculations, came with unlock codes for all of North America, blah blah blah... sweet unit and it's good for the back country as well.  It ain't cheap but it has a ton of features.  I wired it to the battery so I can keep the backlight on all the time if I need to (under battery power the backlight turns off to conserve power, not surprisingly).  I'd post a pic or two but for some reason I can't seem to make that happen. :mad:
Here's a shot of my GPS mounted on my 'Busa.... It's mounted through the steering head.  Basically, I got a piece of threaded rod, some washers, some rubber washers, some acorn nuts with the nylon bushings, and then the mount itself and afixed it that way.  Works like a charm.  The various fields you see here can be changed to show elevation, max speed (shown here on the bottom right), odometer, and many many others.. this is a good unit and I also have a mount in my truck... heck, I even take it mountain biking!
Nice pics Haywood. Do you have a picture of the mount without the GPS unit. Looks like you did a real nice job.
