Not sure if any of you goproHD folks were waiting on this one but they finally released the much awaited firmware update 

It is done - The firmware for the GoPro HD HERO is now available! The firmware will provide new features for your GoPro HD HERO including the ability to shoot upside down, One Button Mode, PAL-compatibility settings and Live Feed. Getting the firmware to the quality level that we and our customers expect from our product took longer... than we expected. We apologize for the delays. The new firmware can be accessed from GoPro Official Store: Wearable Digital Cameras for Sports
This is the only spot where the firmware can be (and should be) downloaded from.
We have instructions and a short video that will guide you in updating your GoPro HD HERO with the new firmware.
If you have problems our support team is ready - contact them via GoPro Official Store: Wearable Digital Cameras for Sports